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Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Yeah Im watching that, the girl seems nice but a little gullible.  Plus the pictures seem very graphic, if she was so unhappy with them, why have them taken?

She doesn't seem that bright to me,  but maybe thats unfair. 

reading between the lines, i think you are right.


at the moment im getting grief off some idiot who says im homophobic cos peter tatchell banged on about whitney being a lesbian on facebook,i said he was publicity seeking cos EVERYONE knew whitney was gay

im not against gay point was about that peter tatchell, he does good but he likes his mug in the news..dont like the bloke

i even apologised to the idiot that i disagree with his/her views

im getting a bollocking lol 


I feel sorry for her (Ruth) yup she's a bit dim.. ok her parents are bit weird... but at the end of the day she trusted him! HE was the person she turned to to help at every turn. Which made him feel he had power so he kept on and kept on posting things online, for the sole purpose of makng her feel unsafe. Which made her turn to the person she thought would help her..... EVIL PRICK!


Yes she should have realised it was him when pics only he had were posted everywhere, but as the mum said a relationship is based on trust. So if the person you love is in the frame you are likely to try and explain it away before believing the one person you trust and love above all others would treat/hurt  you in that way


I felt really sorry for Ruth after watching that


I thought what he did was awful, but why oh why do women/girls pose naked for their boyfriends and let them FILM them and take photos???  Plus, they are almost always boyfriends who they haven't been with for very long.  No matter how much you think you may trust someone, who would want to pose naked in front of a camera in erotic poses for a man you have not known for that long anyway?  If the relationship ends (as many do,) what do these women think the men are going to do with the photos?  Shred them?  Give every bit of them them back to you?  Including the stuff off his hard-drive etc???  You're just asking for trouble IMO, by posing naked for boyfriends and letting him take photos or film you...


It's like these middle aged women who meet a foreign boyfriend, and give all their life savings to them, because of some sob story about how he needs it for his family, or for surgery, or for his business or whatever.  They know someone for five minutes and give all their money to him and take loans out for him, and then are shocked to pieces when it turns out to be a scam.  Are people REALLY that gullible?  I find it almost impossible to fathom why someone would give all their money to someone who is practically a stranger, just as I find it almost impossible to fathom why anyone would pose naked for pictures for their boyfriend?  Especially with there being such a thing as the internet now!


Yes, she 'trusted him.'  Well I can tell you for a 100% fact: I would never ever pose naked in front of a camera for ANYone, not even my husband of 20 years.  Do I not trust him you may ask?  Yes I do trust him, but this is something I would never ever ever do. Moreover, what if we break up?  Are all break ups really amicable with neither one in the parntership hurt or upset?  Not likely!  And like I said, what do you think is going to happen to the photos if/when you break up?  Do you think your ex is going to destroy and delete every naked pic of you?!  No matter HOW much you trust someone, who would want to take that risk?   Although I did feel some sympathy for the girl (who did, as someone has mentioned, seem a bit 'slow',' ) the sympathy doesn't go too far with me when this kind of thing happens, because they were daft enough to do it in the first place. 


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