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Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Love hugs and strength to you and your family  If you can try to think of this last treatment as the booster needed so she can be restored to full health. May the best outcome be with Gemma very soon   xxx

Thanks Yellow....i really have never cryed so much

You probably need the emotional release of all the feelings of the situation that you've been coping with. Crying can be exhausting when there are so many tears but hopefully it's also helping you xxx

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by MrsH:


Aww Tina   you have been so strong and through so much 


let it out - every one feels sad leaving close ones in hospital - will soon be over and she will be home and you can all look forward to a lovely christmas 


keep popping in and keep us updated 

Thanks Mrs H  i will keep you updated its just blood test today

shes 23 but looked like a little girl today


I know exactly how you feel Tina....    living with this level of stress, worry, heartbreak day in day out...   you know as you are going through it that it might well end up breaking you..... 


And the accumulative lack of sleep....    and living at top level scrape-me-off-the-ceiling-I-am-going-insane with worry/heartbreak for weeks on end...     it makes you deranged.


The other Thursday, when my Dad finally came up to tell me the (amazingly good under the circumstances) results...    my reaction was not what it should have been/the correct one.... 


first of all I called him a liar, then I got angry and said a whole load of stuff I shouldn't have said..   and then, in between telling everyone the good news, I have cried like a baby for a week....      



I know our situations are different - in one way yours is a much better situation - Gemma will be ok and come through this & live a full & happy life....    in another yours is a million times scarier...   she's your child!!!  I have thought on more than one occasion that as heartbreaking as this is with my Mum..  I couldn't even begin to imagine how it would be if it was one of the kids. 


I think you have coped with this so well....   don't worry about the crying... I think its the only way for some of the pressure to come out...   lots of pressure means crying lots &lots...  




Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by MrsH:


Aww Tina   you have been so strong and through so much 


let it out - every one feels sad leaving close ones in hospital - will soon be over and she will be home and you can all look forward to a lovely christmas 


keep popping in and keep us updated 

Thanks Mrs H  i will keep you updated its just blood test today

shes 23 but looked like a little girl today

Well 23 is a little girl  way way too young to face such a terrible ordeal. She has a loving Mum who will be there every step of the way with her. 

An emotional release is good for you. I think a lot of us have offloaded our cares and worries here and it is a good place for it.

So don't keep it in.

Or if you prefer Tina, record your feelings and fears in a diary. I did that in my darkest days when my Mum was in hospital and it really did help. Oh and I smashed a few plates on the floor. its healthy to express the unbearable pain that you're obviously feeling.


A good nights sleep is essential. Maybe your GP could help? If not sleeping tablets temporarily then something milder. I'm on Phenergan, an anihistamine/short term sleep aid which  isn't addictive and is available OTC. Works if you're in a fix.


Tina really hope you managed to get some sleep, you must be totally warn out with all the worry on top of no sleep plus having the two younger kids to run around after. You've come so far since all this started i know you'll all get through this one last horrible week and celebrate with a fantastic family Christmas. Will be thinking of you x


Oh and never feel bad for crying, you're a Mum and that's what we do!!


Thanks everyone

well Gemma took her Radioactive iodine pill yesterday at about 4ish

i wasnt allowed to visit yesterday

she will be confined in this special room till Thursday

they have given her a phone that she can ring me on at any time

shes being very brave

spoke to her this morning shes very tired but happy to be back on normal food i dropped off loads of treats for her yesterday


thanks again everyone for your support xx


Yes Gemma's a brave girl and you're a brave Mum if you've ever doubted that at times We only find out how strong we are when given a huge challenge and come through it   Continue to be strong and expect the best outcome.  Joining with all here who are continuing to think of you and looking forward to hearing your good news soon Love and Hugs xxx

Yellow Rose

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