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Deman  Thanks matey. I don't have POS ( although I've had the tests) but I think that if I had it then I would be able to get some laser treatment on the NHS - at least I think that's right. Maybe your SIL could find out if she qualifies.

Hey Sarum, is hair removal not included as part of gender reassignment on the NHS? Did it work well for you? I have heard mixed reports tbh, I did phone a local hospital and asked if they needed volunteers for the trainee ( I don't know what you call someone who removes hair for a living lol) practitioners but they don't allow their trainees to work on people until they are qualified apparently

Makes you not want to be their first client
If eye laser surgery counts then I'd be up for that. I'm -4.75 in each eye and I adore swimming. A mate had his eyes done 9 years ago and does not regret a single moment. 

As for the rest ... 25 years back I'd have mithered for a boob job.  

As for the rest ... I'd sell my soul for some surgery. Two sections in 19 months turned me into a freak that my then husband found it so repulsive (and told me so) we eventually divorced. So forget silly procedures, to me it would mean so much. Won't ever happen though. Costs too much.
Reference: Veggieburger
Hey Sarum, is hair removal not included as part of gender reassignment on the NHS? Did it work well for you?
No, it's not; although I've heard that some people in Scotland have managed to get it funded, the rest of us have to pay.
And Yes, it worked very well, although there were a couple of times when I looked (and felt) very sunburned for a couple of days afterward.
Of course, Laser doesn't work on white, or very fair hair; that has to be dealt with by electrolysis. So I've had some of that too....

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