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Hello Suzi-Q I didn't know you are on dialysis...God that's hard for you. If I'm not being too personal, is there any chance you could get a transplant - is that an option for you?
All last week in Ireland there has been a huge drive for people to become organ donors and there were folks on the radio who had living donors give them a kidney.
They're life has been transformed.
Gosh, as I type this I think you are so not a bore, bloody brave in fact!
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Thank you, Fairfax, that's a very kind thing to say.

I have only been on dialysis for just under two years.  I have a rare disease/syndrome - Goodpasture's - and I need to be disease free for two years before they will consider a transplant.  I'm doing really well, am off the steriods and immunosuppresants that were prescribed to combat the illness.  I should begin testing soon for a transplant, and I'm very, very lucky that my son has offered me a kidney.

There is more in my blog:
Putting aside all the wuss stuff, I still don't think I would consider it.  Maybe it's because I see women (I know I'm generalising, but it is more women than men) who have had it done and think they look worse than before.

Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder and not everyone is going to appeal to the same people.  I think an attractive young, slim woman looks much better without the surgical breast enhancements. 

Sophie, BB10, IMO looked more like Jessica Rabbit with her fake boobs and Lea from BB7 looked totally ridiculous with those spacehoppers on her chest.
At the beginning of last year, I took the plunge and had a nose job. I've hated my nose all my life and thought 'why not?' I'm happier with it than I was before, though it hasn't made as much difference as I thought it would. The weird thing was, nobody noticed - even my own mum!
Well done!  If it makes you happy, that's all that matters.

Me?  Well, I'm waiting until they come out with the home liposuction kit that I can attach to my hoover!
When I was about 5 my parents had my ears pinned back.
Having had two beautiful boys before me, I think they were dismayed to have a daughter that looked nothing like the other two and moreover like the world cup!

I remember looking like a golf ball for a couple of weeks as my head was totally bandaged but as an adult now I am eternally grateful to them for going ahead with the op as it has allowed me to wear my hair back and my brothers were no longer able to call me dumbo

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