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Hi all. Just checking to see how James did on his first post over here. He generated a little rumble. Much like him. He likes to stir it a little. Quite a pleasant guy though.

Just a note from "the other side" to let you all know how much fun it has been since you all jazzed it up by posting in "the clouds" Anyone and everyone is welcome. (are welcome?) Thanks again. If you see that shiftless bartender, send him back to stock the bar.
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by sbevis:
Where is that lazy runaway bartender from the Sink? Patrons are hollering for more beer.

Is this one of them 'mericans from over yonder cloudy land? Ninja

Be gentle with him Skive. Ninja

I'll be nice I promise. Ninja

I'm all 'cited to spot a real 'merican! Big Grin
Originally posted by sbevis:
Is this one of them 'mericans from over yonder cloudy land?

Um.. I be one of those escaped LC or Sinkies as they say. Been lurking. Hope I am not out of place by posting.

Oh no! Big Grin We like fresh meat new posters. Hi. wavey

psst guys, who's got the shackles and can we keep this one in a more secure place than the last one please. Ninja
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by tupps:
Nurse the restraints! We have LC escapees!

There's no stopping them tupps ... Ninja

Is Willy coming over.. Ninja

I really hope not, for two reasons really:

1. God knows what his chucking things about will translate to in forum terms Ninja and;

2. He has sort of been trained to clean up in the Sinking Ship ... we can't risk losing him ...

Then again ... he is a ghost ... Ghost
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by tupps:
Nurse the restraints! We have LC escapees!

There's no stopping them tupps ... Ninja

Is Willy coming over.. Ninja

I really hope not, for two reasons really:

1. God knows what his chucking things about will translate to in forum terms Ninja and;

2. He has sort of been trained to clean up in the Sinking Ship ... we can't risk losing him ...

Then again ... he is a ghost ... Ghost

Ghost <--- finally the proper smilie..
and, forgive me, but it all seems to me a little like you're trying too hard, and that always makes me slightly doubtful.
Maybe some ARE trying too hard, but what I see is SOME of the people who have had problems coming on and spouting doom and gloom and virtually tellin you that you WILL have problems and that these problems WILL be horrendous.
All I am trying to say is that it won't necessarily be like that. No-one, of course, can give a guarantee that everything will be 100% OK, but neither is it certain that there'll be problems. Many of us have managed to SIGN-IN and complete our profiles with no, or few, problems, so I'm sure many others will too.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by sbevis:
Is this one of them 'mericans from over yonder cloudy land?

Um.. I be one of those escaped LC or Sinkies as they say. Been lurking. Hope I am not out of place by posting.

Of course you're not out of place sbevis ... well, maybe ... but you can just join the rest of us in being out of place too ...
Originally posted by Shar:

And I've gone back and looked at Jame's OP again and I REALLY cannot see how anyone could have taken affront ...? Confused

I have to put my hands up and take at least some of the responsibility for that; I'm sorry. Blush

I didn't intend to start an argument...but I have a pedantic streak (as some may remember Razzer )and I react badly to people (however well-intentioned)telling me I have to do something that I clearly don't...
Hi Bevis is Sube on here as well?

Sube is lurking as well.

Just for the record, the whole transition from Groupee to Liveclouds was fraught with the same error filled problems that you all experienced. Couldn't post, then everything posted twice, then the error was the error. WHACK!

Glad so many of you hung in there. Now back to that comment about wanting to see Lou in chaps. That is something better left for the "Secret Room" Makes me shake my head Wink
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
well, i can't see that james said anything wrong, some hereabouts seem to be a bit oversensitive if you ask me, which you haven't , of course, but if you had, that's what i'd say.

If I had a medal to award for common sense, I would give it to you ... Big Grin
well when everyone has finished wetting their various forms of undergarments over 2 whole new fellas riding ,bareback into this here town, i will remember your kindness. Wink
Originally posted by Sarum:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:

I think you speak for a lot of us. I'm desperately hoping it'll be all good ...........if not - there really is nowhere to go is there?

Sadly, I think you're right.

I mean, yes, of course, if LC doesn't suit us, there are other forums we could go to...but (I like to think) we have a sense of community here, which will be lost if we all go our separate ways.

I don't want to seem like one of the panicking, handwringing doomsayers that appeared when C4 threw us out; I'll be only too happy if Livecloud can deliver what we all want, but from what I've seen already, I have doubts, no matter how much I want to believe.
But once the forum proper is there it might alter the atmosphere a bit. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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