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Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by stonks:
I thought there was..I was buisy lap dancing in the bar when James escaped over here and alls I Robbed earnt was a fluffy cheese grater.... Disappointed

Have you shown James the delights of your pasty bra yet... Ninja

Not yet..Faery is moving house and has took the recipe with her.... Shake Head
Originally posted by tupps:
Commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme BBBS... come to the dark side.. Devil

i went (after days of trying to login), then i remembered why i upgraded from windows 1 to 3.11 to 95 then 98se then xp pro, because each was better than what came before, moving from here to that bug ridden deathcloud is like going from xp pro to windows me, i realise that many are doing it because they are effectively being forced to do it, i'm going to miss all the great people i've met here but i'm sorry, deathcloud is just not worth my while fighting with it in a vain attempt to get it to do something simple like post new thread or quote a post easily without having to highlight it then add who i'm quoting, its all arse backwards.
Originally posted by Sarum:
Originally posted by LCJames:

Big difference is... You have to come to the Clouds... I don't have to come here Big Grin

Sorry, but No, we don't.
The only thing we have to do is to leave here...
But 'here' will be 'there' shortly, so no-one actually has to do anything
However why not come and have a look, the reality might not be as bad as you imagined from all the horror stories that are being bandied around.

Yes,Zaph. I'm doing it again! Eeker Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally posted by Sarum:

Sorry, but No, we don't.
The only thing we have to do is to leave here...

But 'here' will be 'there' shortly, so no-one actually has to do anything
However why not come and have a look, the reality might not be as bad as you imagined from all the horror stories that are being bandied around.

No imagination, or horror stories required, Fluffy...I have been 'over there' and seen it for myself; and of course I've not been oblivious to those of our community who have spent the last few weeks trying to persuade the rest of us that it's really OK, we're being silly and we'll like it if we just give it a try...and, forgive me, but it all seems to me a little like you're trying too hard, and that always makes me slightly doubtful.


I'm going away for a couple of weeks from tomorrow the time I get home, the uprooting of these forums and grafting them onto the Livecloud software will, I'm sure, be a fait accompli.
I'm sure I'll stop by, look around and see how everyone is doing; but whether it's to say "I'm back" or "'Bye, it's been fun", I haven't quite decided yet.
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
It's not a case of being scared. This site is easier to operate and makes more sense. Nod

Exactly and we don't have to yet so why the headache. Big Grin
Because if you do it now and you SHOULD be unlucky enough to have some problems you can come back here and talk to the rest of us. If you leave it 'til after the move you won't be able to talk to anyone but the mods, if you have problems. (Ans I'm not meaning that in a 'useless mods' sort of way. Laugh
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Sarum:

of course I've not been oblivious to those of our community who have spent the last few weeks trying to persuade the rest of us that it's really OK, we're being silly and we'll like it if we just give it a try...and, forgive me, but it all seems to me a little like you're trying too hard, and that always makes me slightly doubtful.

Sarum.....Hug no one's been saying people are silly for not liking it. It boils down to personal choice doesn't it? We all have different opinions on things we like and dislike, that's natural. I think people are just trying to encourage those who are unsure because we all want this community to stay together. But please much as we have to accept some people are never going to like it.... others need to accept that some of us genuinely love it.
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Sarum:
I'm sure I'll stop by, look around and see how everyone is doing; but whether it's to say "I'm back" or "'Bye, it's been fun", I haven't quite decided yet.

I think you speak for a lot of us. I'm desperately hoping it'll be all good ...........if not - there really is nowhere to go is there?

I've been over there getting used to it, I have to say, whereas there are some things that I do like, and obvously we can't be 100% sure until we are using it full time, it is not as easy as this forum and what worries me is that we have become like a little club here sharing so much and there is a very strong chance that that will be lost because people will be off doing their own things or off in other groups where the atmosphere to me isn't as good.

I go there but just to see a couple of people, and have a messabout on my blog, which is good fun, but I prefer it over here as we are more of a proper community and most newbies that come here are the same kind of person, over there some seem to think they own the whole damn thing and I don't really like that.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally posted by Soozy woo:

I think you speak for a lot of us. I'm desperately hoping it'll be all good ...........if not - there really is nowhere to go is there?

Sadly, I think you're right.

I mean, yes, of course, if LC doesn't suit us, there are other forums we could go to...but (I like to think) we have a sense of community here, which will be lost if we all go our separate ways.

I don't want to seem like one of the panicking, handwringing doomsayers that appeared when C4 threw us out; I'll be only too happy if Livecloud can deliver what we all want, but from what I've seen already, I have doubts, no matter how much I want to believe.

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