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OK I sit in the clouds all happy and content cos it's lovely over there..
Some of you lot don't seem to agree Glance

Your scared to come over there just as much as I'm scared to come over here.

Big difference is... You have to come to the Clouds... I don't have to come here Big Grin

There are a lot of you dipping your toes in the water over there now. If you have not been there you should come to the Sinking Ship (thats a bar not a statement)

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Sorry LCJames its a horrible layout of a forum, with horrible colours. As I said to the bosses of Livecloud, just because you want to change something into something newer doesn't make it better.
Take cars whatever design fool thought that putting car headlamps going way up the front bonnet of a car, needs to be hung,drawn and.

If you have a perfect working forum that everyone likes, forcing people to accept something new and a lot worse is just plain daft.
Originally posted by LCJames:
I be a man of many faces from many places. I be the the stranger here, but I be the boss over there.
You can spell wot u like any way you like as much as you like in the Ship.. (mainly cos the drinks are free and you can't hold the pen) Big Grin

im off to a land where drinks are free-im meeting OH in the pub and she said she's buying my drinks all night Thumbs Up

have a good evening you lot wavey
Originally posted by LCJames:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
It's not a case of being scared. This site is easier to operate and makes more sense. Nod

Thats a matter of opinion innit? I find this GaGa complicated. It's wot your used to I guess.

Hi to you all anyway, pleased to meet those I have not met before

It seems to be the opinion of practically all of us, though. Know your market, and all that...
Originally posted by LCJames:
OK I sit in the clouds all happy and content cos it's lovely over there..
Some of you lot don't seem to agree Glance

Your scared to come over there just as much as I'm scared to come over here.

Big difference is... You have to come to the Clouds... I don't have to come here Big Grin

There are a lot of you dipping your toes in the water over there now. If you have not been there you should come to the Sinking Ship (thats a bar not a statement)

Big Grin Valentine
Originally posted by LCJames:

Big difference is... You have to come to the Clouds... I don't have to come here Big Grin

Originally posted by Sarum:
Sorry, but No, we don't.
The only thing we have to do is to leave here...

Originally posted by LCJames:

Well said... I stand corrected, and humbly apologise. Loads musket...

Fixed it for you... Wink

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