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Urgh Liz's new hair is shite   And what about that girlfriend of Cheznez; 'let's have a baybeh, and live here tugevva just me you schemeichel and the baybeh... the good thing about having a baby young is that I will get back in my jeans quicker.' 

Well what a brilliant reason to have a baby at 16; so you get back in your jeans quicker!    No job, no home, no qualifications, no life lived yet, but it's OK, as long as you can get back into your size 12s within 6 weeks.

Some years ago I knew a couple who went through a fake marriage so he could stay in the country. Those of us who cared about her didn't trust his motives and was pretty sure he'd paid money to someone we knew of who knew her and introduced them. Problem was she loved him and believed he loved her.


At some point they were called to the Foreign Office and interviewed seperately and asked loads of questions. In Corrie it's assumed photographs will convince the authorities, it won't. They ask questions people don't think about, the little things, like what shampoo does the other person use, what toothpaste, what are his/her interests, what films does the other like...I could go on and on as there's so much of the "little" every day stuff that a genuine couple would know about each other after a period of time. Anyway soon after the Foreign Office meeting the man disappeared and she never heard from him again

Yellow Rose

I love David and Kylie together, enjoyed seeing Kylie revealing some of her past to Gail as they haven't revealed much about it..


Tommy is great, too much tan though LOL but Chris Fountain is great..


Really can't stand Beckeh, I really like Steve but turning his back on his mother when he's in another mess due to her and because he doesn't have a backbone grr plus the way she calls him babeh all the time cringe!

darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Yea Joe,they seem to be heading for the "Younger" characters,fair enough but the plot lines are just daft.The "pathos" of Corrie is slipping away..shame.

So Corrie should be just focusing on the older characters constantly then?, they have a big diverse cast full of older and younger people so focus on both age groups.


Sorry if I sound argumentative in my post Katty.

darloboy (Play The Game!)

I'm going right off Corrie - far too much screeching and violence. If I wanted that, I'd watch EastEnders.

I knew it would go downhill when they brought Tracy back - as if someone with her gob would survive five minutes in the backstreets of Manchester.

Liking Mark/Marcia though. Me and OH decided he was dating Claudia because he wants her clothes and would probably look and sound more girlish in them.

Is he actually the one who played Nicolas Lyndhurst's curly-headed bruv (and Wendy Craig and Geoffrey Palmer's son) in Butterflies?

Originally Posted by Demantoid:

I'm going right off Corrie - far too much screeching and violence. If I wanted that, I'd watch EastEnders.

I knew it would go downhill when they brought Tracy back - as if someone with her gob would survive five minutes in the backstreets of Manchester.

Liking Mark/Marcia though. Me and OH decided he was dating Claudia because he wants her clothes and would probably look and sound more girlish in them.

Is he actually the one who played Nicolas Lyndhurst's curly-headed bruv (and Wendy Craig and Geoffrey Palmer's son) in Butterflies?

yes he is how old do you feel?

Soozy Woo

Haven't read this thread (sozs), but Jim McDonald's skint - what's he playing at?! I know him and Liz's character are both leaving (again - except Liz is going for good - shame cos I like Liz), but why is he saying he'll buy the pub when he hasn't got a pot to piddle in? Twit.


The Becky and Steve thing's getting on my rack now. Kylie does my head in and the Sheen or however ya spell her name grates on me like a dose of thrush. That storyline with Tina and her and the fella and the fake wedding is crap, too. (Graheme's leaving too so I reckon he'll end up going to jail for pretending to be her groom or summat).


I used to find Tracy really annoying but since she's come back some of her one-liners have been class She'll never be a Blanche but she's inherited some of her dry humour


Maria's getting on my wick an all. Frank didn't try to rape her That's the most OTT storyline they've done yet IMO. If they wanted to go down that road with a script then it should have been more accurate, it makes Maria look like a bit of an idiot and isn't sending the right message.


*thinks if there's anything else about the show to rant at* Hmmm nah. Oh! Fizz. Yes Fizz. Can't stand her. Her acting is pants.


I thank you.


Yeah Karma I agree about Tracy, loved it when she joined Becky in throwing Liz's clothes on the street.


Annoyed at what Jim resorts to thanks to Steve letting that troglodyte Becky mess up time after time, so it has he'll be regretting what he decides to do..


In regards to Fiz, i've heard what apparently happens to John Stape-Fishtape-Wick (i'm pleased) and it'll be interesting when she finally finds out...

darloboy (Play The Game!)

However the storylines develop with whatever actor/actress I'll never stop watching  Corrie often fetch in new families/people that I don't like but as their storylines develop I usually end up liking them because some of them change along the way. When the Windasses moved in I couldn't stand them, especially Gary and the Dad, now I don't mind them at all and that's happened a lot of times with newcomers.


Corrie's great and I hope it never ends

Yellow Rose

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