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I'm just watching the h/ls now.... Rachel and Steve (at least) did their nominations AFTER the shite breakout attempt by crab-eyes - yeah?  I didnt see the crap breakout attempt cos I was in a meeting, but I did see quite a bit of muffle muffle duvet moving every now and then and lots of sniff sniffs AND I saw Rachel go to nominate AND I saw Steve go to nominate... SO... if BB can play around with what actually happened time-wise - what else are they messing around with?

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Reference BARMYBRUMMIE Today at 23:22:
SO... if BB can play around with what actually happened time-wise - what else are they messing around with?
BB have been mucking around with the chronology on the HLs practically since day 1, though.

The first time I really noticed it was in BB3, when they showed a conversation between Alex and Jade, and another between Alex and Sandy, in the wrong order, thus giving the false impression that the second conversation had influenced the first (when in reality they were completely unrelated),
Eugene's Lair
I came out of a meeting and logged straight in - and the first two threads I saw were 'JJ done a runner' and 'OMG think JJ has told Josie he doesnt fancy her' or something along those lines - so I stuck l/f on and it was duvet shot sniff sniff for ages
Did you see JJ1 give his nose a good hard snotty blow then immediately wipe his eyes with the same handkerchief?

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