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Well look at it this way, if Corin has now said that she was just friends with Rachel and the relationship was finished, (which she did not say on entering the hous) she has announced this to an audience of over 2 million people. Surely Rachel has the right to reply
That's if her version of events are accurate. I think the GF's done the shitty thing by making a few quid while Corin can't state her side of the story. Surely if the GF loved Corin as she proclaims she would have waited to speak to her first?
That's if her version of events are accurate. I think the GF's done the shitty thing by making a few quid while Corin can't state her side of the story. Surely if the GF loved Corin as she proclaims she would have waited to speak to her first?
Karma, Corin has stated her side of the story on national tv  but how do we know her events are accurate either.
Reference: monobrow
Its all about the intentions, Steve does at least seem a little bothered about what his wife may think, and as said above, steve hasnt been jumping into bed like an over excited dog on heat, excited by the thought of some real action.
Neither has Corin, and if Steve was given the opportunity I have no doubt whatsoever.. he would.
Steve should be a bit more than "a little bothered" about what his wife thinks. He`s married with 8 kids. He said himself that when he saw his message from home she seemed a bit angry.

Angry.. no wonder. I`d kick him out if he was mine.

And what do you mean " at least he seems a little bothered"
Do we applaud a married man for being "a little bothered" about how his pervy disgusting behaviour might be perceived by his wife and castigate a young single woman who`s relationship is over because she doesn`t seem to be "bothered?"  I don`t get that comparison.
Reference: Scotty
I`ve heard her say they both knew it was over Blizzie. Correct me if I`m wrong.
I've heard her say that there were problems, but I've also heard her say that she must be single now, when she didn't get a message from the girlfriend, and that it was probably due to her saying that she fancied Nathan.

I just think it's a shame she didn't end it before going in.
longcat online 2,519 Forum Posts Today at 4:54 PM Last Edited: Corin announced she was in a relationship when she entered the house. All her HMs knew about Rachael. If my partner of 3 years was in that house and shared a bed with someone they said they fancied I would be pissed.
I would be too.

I am sure that I heard Corin say something like they were just friends.  Perhaps she should've told the GF that
I've posted this a number of times: it's the last paragraph of her official C4 profile, and has been public since day 1 (along with the misprint - still there - that she's a widower...):

"Corin may put her relationship with her girlfriend on hold whilst she's in the house so she doesn't have to worry about her behaviour. If she thought she could get away with cheating, she would do so with a man and thinks her next relationship will be with a guy, not a girl."

Now, it's quite possible that these comments were made early-on in her application, and were therefore out-of-date when she entered the house (this appears to have been the case re Caoimhe's profile comment that her relationship with her boyfriend was "going nowhere"), but even so: Corin's comments and behaviour in the house shouldn't have come as a surprise...
Eugene's Lair
from the moment she started saying how much she fancied Nathan I have thought it was wrong. I thought then that it must be hurtful for the girlfriend to have to watch & listen to that.

& yeah Gyps, opening night I heard her say she was in a relationship with a girl...   cos I thought I had got muddled up with who the other lesbian was (obviously Shabby...   but then as Keever was going in they said something about her being bi or a lesbian)....  then when I heard Corin say she was in a relationship with a girl, I thought I must have got her & Keever muddled up.

Then, the whole time Shabby was in there... I kept wondering why her & Corin didn't discuss the lesbian thing more...
Reference: Blizzie
I've heard her say that there were problems, but I've also heard her say that she must be single now, when she didn't get a message from the girlfriend, and that it was probably due to her saying that she fancied Nathan. I just think it's a shame she didn't end it before going in.
I`m not defending Corin blindly here Blizzie but I heard her say to JJ2 and others that it was over before she came into the house, Rachel knew this and was upset. Hence no message. Nathan could have been the catalyst that finally drove the message home to Rachel. Accepting that it`s over isn`t easy.   
I`m not decrying Rachel..being hurt is awful, I understand that feeling, most of us do, but she shouldn`t have gone to the tabloids to say so. Why wait until now? She could have done that weeks ago.
When she went into the house she said quite clearly that she was in a relationship ........her profile says the same. If she has changed her mind since (which obviously she has) I'm not at all surprised that her girlfriend is a bit miffed.

Corin fans can defend her all they want but it was aired on TV several times Corin talking about her relaATIONSHIP WITH rACHEL.
Soozy Woo
Reference: monobrow
Scotty, I would quote you, but Ma tea is nearly ready and don't have time to pull your post apart. However, As people have already said, Corin DID NOT go in the house single. AND yes, I would give Steve a round of applause for thinking of his missus
Really? I think Steve was thinking more about his missus punching his lights out when he gets home. Round of applause for that.

Have you finished yer tea yet? I`d be happy for you to "pull my post apart" 
I`ve never liked when an fm says "As people have already said" Stand on yer own two feet man! 
My opinion is that Corin DID go into the house as a single woman. I`ll stick by that..not just because I like her..because I believe what she`s said. So there!  
I`m not defending Corin blindly here Blizzie but I heard her say to JJ2 and others that it was over before she came into the house, Rachel knew this and was upset. Hence no message. Nathan could have been the catalyst that finally drove the message home to Rachel. Accepting that it`s over isn`t easy. I`m not decrying Rachel..being hurt is awful, I understand that feeling, most of us do, but she shouldn`t have gone to the tabloids to say so. Why wait until now? She could have done that weeks ago.
No she only changed her story to being single when she wanted to be single. She fancied a bit with nathan or jj and so stopped saying she was in a relationship and started being single. As far as i know she never left the house in this time to fill her other half in on the deal. I should imagine the other half is very pissed off and rightly going to the papers. I would
Monobrow (Sam is a legend)

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