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seems to me like the relationship was on the rocks or over, the GF couldn't be bothered to give Corin any reassurance by sending a message, and now Corin has it in her head it's over and is getting on with it, Rachel wants her 40 pieces of silver....

She gave an interview after the first couple of weeks DiD, if Corin wants her 15 minutes of fame, Rachel does too and as you say her 40 pieces of silver
Reference: DID
I still can't understand why her GF didn't send her the video message when she had chance. That was long before JJ2 went in and could've boosted it stood, Corin assumed that it was definitely over, she said so at the time.....
Maybe because Corin had been saying she fancied Nathan?

I mean, even the hairiest of lesbians couldn't compete with that!
I honestly dont understand how corin is being forgiven for this and excuses are being made left right and centre for her?
So if it was a bloke who was in there and said, ohh me and my wife argue all the time im prob going to leave her when i get out, then went on to try their best to cheat with a couple of girls in there they would be crucified and rightfully called spineless. At the very least.

But because corins other half is a woman. they have been called jealous and there is near enough zero sympathy for her? I really really dont understand that reasoning.

Gypsie, I referred to her GF as jealous because she's acting like Corin has been unfaithful to her, when she has in fact done nothing more than a bit of harmless flirting. Nothing to do with the fact they're both women.
I'm more concerned with Steve's behaviour, rubbing up against half the women in there and openly perving over them, when he's supposed to be a married man.
So if it was a bloke who was in there and said, ohh me and my wife argue all the time im prob going to leave her when i get out, then went on to try their best to cheat with a couple of girls in there they would be crucified and rightfully called spineless. At the very least.
Well Siavash was still popular after dumping his girlfriend for Noirin after earlier telling us all that the GF 'was the one'  Regarding Corin, I get the feeling from some of her comments that she intended to end things before entering the house, but ran out of time. Anyway she has said to Josie that she does not want a relationship in the house 'just a bit of a cuddle.'
and wants to see how things stand with Rachel when she gets out!
yeah but i honestly dont see the difference in steve rubbing up against rachel and corin sleeping in bed with JJ. Infact i think corin was worse because she has openly admitting there was something in it for her. While steve was at least pretending to be horrified at what his wife might think. I dunno i just think corin is getting away with this too easliy, but i still like her as a housemate.
Look what someone posted on DS in a thread defending Corin, if it's true I hope Corin's mum returns the favour to Rachel

 For your sake I will mention that there are things that cannot b said on this board about this subject. What the G/F did to her was unforgivable. G/F lives with ther parents not with Corin. Corin was forced to flee to her parents house and I cannot go any further
Reference: Blizzie
In bed cuddling and tickling seductively, is a bit more than Steve the Sleaze has done, surely?
You think? Cradling his arm over the couch and sneakingly touching Rachel`s booblakins..rubbing the top of her bare thighs when she sat beside him in her shorts. It`s about the only time I`ve seen his arm not stretching over the back of the couch.

His behaviour with Laura made me puke.
He`s been making pervy comments to Jo..she`s not happy.  
The happiest I`ve seen him lately was when they were doing the drink if you`ve done it (sex) game.

He drank a lot. He`s a sleaze ball... a married one with 8 kids.  
Corin`s single and having a bit of fun. Huge difference.
I wou
You think? Cradling his arm over the couch and sneakingly touching Rachel`s booblakins..rubbing the top of her bare thighs when she sat beside him in her shorts. It`s about the only time I`ve seen his arm not stretching over the back of the couch. His behaviour with Laura made me puke. He`s been making pervy comments to Jo..she`s not happy. The happiest I`ve seen him lately was when they were doing the drink if you`ve done it (sex) game. He drank a lot. He`s a sleaze ball... a married one with 8 kids. Corin`s single and having a bit of fun. Huge difference.
Its all about the intentions, Steve does at least seem a little bothered about what his wife may think, and as said above, steve hasnt been jumping into bed like an over excited dog on heat, excited by the thought of some real action.
Monobrow (Sam is a legend)
Don't know Karma, maybe the poster knows more about it than we do..or maybe not
Sounds like they do...but that post could start a right Dingle stylee war on DS between the families. There'll be cheap hair pieces and market-purchased false nails flying in abundance! Whoever posted that should have called the Sun hotdesk instead. Just think it was a bit stupid to imply that the scorned GF has done something bad and then say 'oh but I cant say anymore of course'

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