she has got rid - she is so selfish
she is me me me and more me
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:she has got rid - she is so selfish
Yep! Like Yan and the cheater ….all three are right up themselves!
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:she is me me me and more me
@Baz posted:Yep! Like Yan and the cheater ….all three are right up themselves!
had a feeling though cos she just thinks of herself -
he will choose fake Bec
he is choosing Bec
jealously is natural at times
omg thank goodness he didn't choose Bec
@Baz posted:Wow , he’s picked Maddy
shocked but relieved
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:shocked but relieved
Yes 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lisa has massive issues tbh she deserves Patrick
@Baz posted:Yes 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bec was very fake
wonder if she will choose him
omg she is choosing patrick
@Baz posted:Bliddy hell she is a fool 😡😡
massive fool
surprised he is a total prat
@Baz posted:He ain’t in love with her ….he only loves himself …..she’s stupid !
he is one smary G
@Baz posted:Stupid girl 🤬🤬🤬
the other guy was tons better
@Baz posted:Drat 🤬🤬🤬
this is for the TV - I have won
@Baz posted:Shall we watch some GB Ros
yes ok bazzy
bazzy - the love trap is back
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:b
azzy - the love trap is back
When 😱😱😱
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:omg
@Baz posted:When 😱😱😱
not sure unless its a repeat - it was just mentioned