@Rocking Ros Rose posted:yes -we havent watched it for ages
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:yes -we havent watched it for ages
number 3 I hope
number 2
@Baz posted:E4 after this Ros âĶ9-11
ok bazzy
@Baz posted:Was sure it will be number 3
and me
wow fantatsic
@Baz posted:I remember seeing these crabs in something
its snowing here bazzy
A@Rocking Ros Rose posted:its snowing here bazzy
and for Moonie âĶ.wheres mine ðĪŽðĪŽðĪŽðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
@Baz posted:and for Moonie âĶ.wheres mine ðĪŽðĪŽðĪŽðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
omg I'll waft it your way
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:omg I'll waft it your way
ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢMoonie is wafting it up here too ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
its prob moving up your way - gave it a waft
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:its prob moving up your way - gave it a waft
@Baz posted:Iâd have loved that before my ibs !
I have had it since my teens - must be frustrating for you bazzy
very cut throat
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:I have had it since my teens - must be frustrating for you bazzy
Yes, only had it for about a decade !
@Baz posted:Heâs a moron!
total bazzy
@Baz posted:Yes, only had it for about a decade !
i remember I was on an A level geography field trip to see Durdle door and chesil beach - and I got it then -i was only 17 - they found me some alka selzer but tbh didnt work
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:i remember I was on an A level geography field trip to see Durdle door and chesil beach - and I got it then -i was only 17 - they found me some alka selzer but tbh didnt work
I think it was some antibiotics that triggered mine âĶ
@Baz posted:I think it was some antibiotics that triggered mine âĶ
mine is familial worse for you
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:mine is familial worse for you
joanna lumley is very attractive but she must have had face lifts or botox
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:joanna lumley is very attractive but she must have had face lifts or botox
like willam and kates children
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