@Baz posted:They are nuts ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
@Baz posted:They are nuts ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:awww so lucky no countryside in playing distance - did have a park but was dodgy even in those days
We had a lovely park about a 10 minute walk away âĶ.used to spend ages down there too
@Baz posted:We had a lovely park about a 10 minute walk away âĶ.used to spend ages down there too
yes same - tbh had mainly a couple of good friends was rarely in a gang
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:yes same - tbh had mainly a couple of good friends was rarely in a gang
@Baz posted:Weâve seen him before
yes we have
2K dollars
@Baz posted:
not a gang person except on bonfire night -
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:not a gang person except on bonfire night -
They werenât really gangs âĶ.just groups of friends
@Baz posted:They werenât really gangs âĶ.just groups of friends
didnt have a group of friends bazzy but did have a few friends but we were spread out
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:didnt have a group of friends bazzy but did have a few friends but we were spread out
awww cows
@Baz posted:
still meet up now
awww lovely baby
seems a nice guy
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:awww lovely baby
Yes, lovely family
@Baz posted:Omg horns on that cow ðąðąðą
farmer next to where I live raises them for ,meat - cant look at them poor things- upsets me too much
think I would let them do what they want - they are brilliant
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:farmer next to where I live raises them for ,meat - cant look at them poor things- upsets me too much
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:think I would let them do what they want - they are brilliant
Me too
why have implants
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:why have implants
Rather her than me
bet LA is fantastic to see
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:I cry when driving when I see loads of sheep in those large carriers
@Baz posted:Rather her than me
tbh last thing I would have
@Baz posted:
I really do so sad
@Baz posted:They are so talented
very bazzy
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:very bazzy
cant understand the need to have big boobs
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:cant understand the need to have big boobs
must be hard going back straight after surgery
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:must be hard going back straight after surgery
my friend had a private hip op -- got done quickly but was out after a day and given a plan to do her own exercises at home - NHS do give far more after care but she had it done there and then rather than 2-3 years away
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