@Baz posted:Yes, it can kill you
yes especially that cold water rubbish where you pay to do it
@Baz posted:Yes, it can kill you
yes especially that cold water rubbish where you pay to do it
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:blimey not seen a mask for yonks
I saw a woman wearing one in the shop the other day.
@Baz posted:I saw a woman wearing one in the shop the other day.
really!!!!! perhaps she is poorly and didnt want to catch anything
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:yes especially that cold water rubbish where you pay to do it
@Baz posted:Do you have a nut roast at Xmas Ros ?
no tbh just tend to have roasties/ boiled potatoes veg ,stuffing ,apple sauce and cranberry sauce - no gravy - but have done in the past - bit wary of nuts tbh
@Baz posted:Glad they went for the maroon
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:no tbh just tend to have roasties/ boiled potatoes veg ,stuffing ,apple sauce and cranberry sauce - no gravy - but have done in the past - bit wary of nuts tbh
this must have been made about 2022 bazzy
@Baz posted:They do look nice
those trees are cute
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:those trees are cute
this place looks nice
love parsnips
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:love parsnips
Me too
@Baz posted:That nut roast looks really dry
yes I thought that
@Baz posted:Awww cute kids
yes - couldnt teach that age though
bazzy which channel please had to put my phone on charge down stairs
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:bazzy which channel please had to put my phone on charge down stairs
Hgtv Ros
@Baz posted:Hgtv Ros
nice children
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:nice children
fancy never having snow
@Baz posted:He cracks me up ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
yes he is lovely
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:yes he is lovely
this is nineties
@Baz posted:So heâs 6ft 3
very tall - my oh's nephew is 6ft 5 and his wife is 5ft 2 - he dwarfs me
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:very tall - my oh's nephew is 6ft 5 and his wife is 5ft 2 - he dwarfs me
Wowðąðąthatâs a mismatch ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
@Baz posted:Wowðąðąthatâs a mismatch ðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢðĪĢ
yes but somehow it works been together since school
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:yes but somehow it works been together since school
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