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Covid was first detected here in December 2019, Ros. We went into lockdown, 24th March 2020 (I think it was the 24th)

yes I had it in December 2019 i was really poorly and met someone  who had it in October 2019 and was in hospital and being helped to breathe -  I was working in a school (ina different school now) and we were waiting to be told to close in March 2020

Rocking Ros Rose
@Baz posted:

Yes, I remember both you and Moonie being really ill in December Ros

took me ages to recover - and still not keen on tomatoes and i used to love them - took me ages to eat baked beans again as well  - its in school now slept for5 days and coughed and coughed-was awful - didnt eat or hardly drink either - the two times after were not as severe

Rocking Ros Rose
Last edited by Rocking Ros Rose

yes I had it in December 2019 i was really poorly and met someone  who had it in October 2019 and was in hospital and being helped to breathe -  I was working in a school (ina different school now) and we were waiting to be told to close in March 2020

Yes, I knew people that were ill before December. There is a Covid outbreak in both West Cumberland Hospital and Carlisle Hospital at the moment. Visitors must wear masks, but no restricted visiting so far.


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