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I've told her to phone the docs for them to get onto the specialist..goodness knows how long she will have to wait for the operation

I think Mr B only waited a few weeks , once they’d agreed to it….but times hav changed ….plus he had about two years while they wasted time trying  out other things !


does she get help?

No Ros, apart from two neighbours. She can't even get to the local shop unless her neighbour across the road gives her a lift. There is a guy that's trying to help her get help and help with extra money. He's from some charity help place, I think her jobcentre coach told her to get in touch with them, She can hardly wash a dish because she can't grip anything, she can't have no idea how bad she is.

  • No Ros, apart from two neighbours. She can't even get to the local shop unless her neighbour across the road gives her a lift. There is a guy that's trying to help her get help and help with extra money. He's from some charity help place, I think her jobcentre coach told her to get in touch with them, She can hardly wash a dish because she can't grip anything, she can't have no idea how bad she is.

@Baz posted:

I think Mr B only waited a few weeks , once they’d agreed to it….but times hav changed ….plus he had about two years while they wasted time trying  out other things !

She's had twelve months wait so far and in the end it was the physio that made her appointment for the specialist, not her bloody doctor!


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