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The school is large  and spread out -the science/Art/tech block can be accessed outside via stone steps-onthe way back to the English block I tripped over the top stone step and went flying -luckily only one sweet girl was around and asked if I was ok -it was just before the bell for change of lesson thank goodness -got straight up so embarrassing got scarped bruised and swollen knee but ok

Rocking Ros Rose
Last edited by Rocking Ros Rose

The school is large  and spread out -the science/Art/tech block can be accessed outside via stone steps-onthe way back to the English block I tripped over the top stone step and went flying -luckily only one sweet girl was around and asked if I was ok -it was just before the bell for change of lesson thank goodness -got straight up so embarrassing

awww bless you I hope you've not hurt yourself


The school is large  and spread out -the science/Art/tech block can be accessed outside via stone steps-onthe way back to the English block I tripped over the top stone step and went flying -luckily only one sweet girl was around and asked if I was ok -it was just before the bell for change of lesson thank goodness -got straight up so embarrassing

Come on , admit it â€Ķ.you’re after my clumsiness crown , aren’t you !


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