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@Baz posted:

I think she said she had had 9 nose jobs at 25 â€Ķand then another 7 later .

agghhhhh  thank you bazzy -tbh awful start -I live in a  cul de sac with a slope and a bend to get nearer to the main road-it was a sheet of ice and the car just slid all over the place instead of driving-luckily had sand and spread what I could got OH  who took over after many  tries to move it and get it around the bend - it was horrible

Rocking Ros Rose

agghhhhh  thank you bazzy -tbh awful start -I live in a  cul de sac with a slope and a bend to get nearer to the main road-it was a sheet of ice and the car just slid all over the place instead of driving-luckily had sand and spread what I could got OH  who took over after many  tries to move it and get it around the bend - it was horrible

What do you mean today .


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