Night night Cribsters....sweet dreams
sleep well Baz, Vera and bestieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Rossssssssssssssssss
night dameeeeee bestieeeeeesprooty bazzy
Sweet dreams Baz ( or I will knock you out) and you too bestieeeeeeeeeeee Ros
night dameeeeee bestieeeeee bazzyyyy
sweet dreams Baz and bestie Rosssssssssssssssssssssss
night dameeeeeeee bestieeeee bazzyyyy
sweet dreams Baz and bestie Rosssssssssss, see you Thursday
night dameeeeeee bestieeeeee bazzy
sweet dreams Baz and bestie Rossssssssssssssssssss, see you Saturday
night dameeeeee bestieee bazzzyyyy
Sweet dreams Baz and bestieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Rosssssssssssssssssssss
night dameeee bestieeeee bazzzy
sweet dreams Baz and very bestie Rosssssssssssssssssssssssss
night dameeeee bestieeeeebazzyyy
sleep well Baz, Vera and bestie Rossssssssssssssssssss, off for a cool shower
night dameeee bestieeee sprooty bazzy
sweet dreams Baz, Vera and bestie Rosssssssssssssssssss, hope we can all get some cool sleep, see you Thursday
night damee bestieeeeeeeeeeeeee sprooty bazzy
sweet dreams Baz, Vera and bestieeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ros, I have the boys in the morning so hopefully I can get some sleep early, see you Saturday
night dameeeeee bestieeeeeeee sprooty bazzy
sweet dreams Baz and bestie Rosssssssssssssssssss
nigh dameeeee bestieeee bazzy
sweet dreams Baz and bestie Rossssssssssssssssssss
night dameeee bestieeeeebazzy
sweet dreams Baz and bestieeeeeeeeeeeee Ros
night dameeee bestieeee bazzy
Enjoyed the tonight viewing...sweet dreams Baz and bestie Rossssssssssssssssss, see you Thursday