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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

I never had one person knock on the door I’ve got loads of sweets for the next time my grandkids come over 


I've had no one either Baz...not that I would have opened it  piss off with yer Yankee habits 

I saw a post on Twatter last night.......someone's ready for halloween, and in the window was a pumpkin carved out with the words....uck off but with the F in front of it 

Sprout posted:

I finally got round to changing my bedside clock tonight and the heating timer (although the heating's still not on)  


Kitchen clock is still the same though since about two years ago. It just needs a new battery and the time putting right 

I actually changed my car clock...first time ever. I'll confuse myself now 

Sprout posted:

I finally got round to changing my bedside clock tonight and the heating timer (although the heating's still not on)  


Kitchen clock is still the same though since about two years ago. It just needs a new battery and the time putting right 

I’ve onky just done my kitchen clock cos it’s high up on the wall 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

I finally got round to changing my bedside clock tonight and the heating timer (although the heating's still not on)  


Kitchen clock is still the same though since about two years ago. It just needs a new battery and the time putting right 

I actually changed my car clock...first time ever. I'll confuse myself now 


Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

I finally got round to changing my bedside clock tonight and the heating timer (although the heating's still not on)  


Kitchen clock is still the same though since about two years ago. It just needs a new battery and the time putting right 

I actually changed my car clock...first time ever. I'll confuse myself now 

Baz posted:
Sprout posted:

I finally got round to changing my bedside clock tonight and the heating timer (although the heating's still not on)  


Kitchen clock is still the same though since about two years ago. It just needs a new battery and the time putting right 

I’ve onky just done my kitchen clock cos it’s high up on the wall 

Mine's easilly getable since I changed it's position.....I just didn't change the time 


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