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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

That's what I mean, glucose....he obviously thought it was doing him good 

but it was dangerous, placebo medication it not dangerous ... he may have thought it was helping so I get what you mean about the placebo effect but it was highly dangerous and not related to placebo experiments in any form . 

Yes, but he didn't know it was dangerous prolly 

Sprout posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:


remind me my flu injection next Wednesday someone  tia 

Only if you remind me mine is next Monday 

bliddy hell-not in here yet-Boots have cancelled twice now

I've just had a text today to say mine's available and to make an appt


yes I'm waiting for a text

Rocking Ros Rose

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