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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Methinks she doth protest too much Sprout 


I have been to the loo about 4 times today and not once while I have been on the bladder can't be used like a like a shopping bag unlike yours and Pams   

The fact that you've been four times today suggests to me that yours is full to bursting again and you'll not admit on here that you need to go again  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Question........why the uck do peeps buy property to do B&B?    I just cannot get my head around it  

because they may want to do it...   obviously some people don't want to retire or want a change in their work life or need to supplement their income if they want to move to another area 

I know, but B&B.....looking after other peeps needs and wants 


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