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Have you watched Kirstie and Phil’s new programme Dame ?

Sprout posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Have you heard from Sprout ?


yes, I spoke to her earlier....she seemed ok but kinda of redundant at work 

Yes, I can imagine ....she must just be marking time 

It's bloody long days I tell ya!   I've spent more time in the court admin room this week than my own office 

Evening Sprout Were your ears burning ?

Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:


I'm sneezing, my boobs really sore and I'm getting pissed off with the allergies 

Awww I’ve had an on off cold for days has Mr B ....some days feels quite rough , the next I’m fine 

My niece (Angela) used to get those same symptoms. Turns out it wasn't's a condition called rhinitis 

Sprout posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:


I'm sneezing, my boobs really sore and I'm getting pissed off with the allergies 

Awww I’ve had an on off cold for days has Mr B ....some days feels quite rough , the next I’m fine 

My niece (Angela) used to get those same symptoms. Turns out it wasn't's a condition called rhinitis 

Yes, I’m sure that is what mine is Sprout ...has it on and off for about 18 months 


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