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Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Rocking Ros posted:

good point


it just looks like someone climbed up it and vomited Saturday night's wine over's a shame, it would have been more iconic in stainless steel in my lowly opinion 

Nah, it's not just your opinion.......

must admit only seen it passing in the car a couple of times but initially looks majestic  to an outsider 

Rocking Ros Rose
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

A gust of wind has pushed a ferry in to the just wouldn't think....


Just shows how sensitive things are 


we were stuck outside the harbour for 3 hours once because of the wind and rough seas...I was green by the time I got off  and they need a wider entrance 

Oooo-er, and  


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