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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Evening  I had to go and make a sandwich ....MC makes me hungry 

evening Baz  


Day was good, I had to give Lynds kisses and hugs although she said it didn't hurt much  She's bunny hopping because she's got it in both feet 

Ouch Hopefully it will do the trick though  How is Katie’s elbow these days ?

Baz posted:

Your mate is in there now ....can’t see her being very popular though ...cos she thinks it will be a platform to get her political views across....


she's not my mate, I was pleased to see the back of her, her and her cronies done loads of damage with lies  I don't think they should be in there, I didn't agree with Nadine Dorries doing it not the tory football referee. I don't think MP's should have second jobs and feet under company tables either. 

Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

I do, it's just gone downhill.....massively 


there's no one in a I want to watch 

Your mate is in there now ....can’t see her being very popular though ...cos she thinks it will be a platform to get her political views across....

There are Labour people, and there are Labour people 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Your mate is in there now ....can’t see her being very popular though ...cos she thinks it will be a platform to get her political views across....


she's not my mate, I was pleased to see the back of her, her and her cronies done loads of damage with lies  I don't think they should be in there, I didn't agree with Nadine Dorries doing it not the tory football referee. I don't think MP's should have second jobs and feet under company tables either. 


Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Your mate is in there now ....can’t see her being very popular though ...cos she thinks it will be a platform to get her political views across....


she's not my mate, I was pleased to see the back of her, her and her cronies done loads of damage with lies  I don't think they should be in there, I didn't agree with Nadine Dorries doing it not the tory football referee. I don't think MP's should have second jobs and feet under company tables either. 

I know , I was being facetious .....but I agree ...they should be doing the job they were elected for and get paid for 

Sprout posted:

Dangerous plonker, failed business man. Not a diplomat. What else can we tar him with? 


his take on the new fighter jets  and this in a speech 


Donald Trump

The Navy, I can tell you, we're ordering ships, with the Air Force I can tell you we're ordering a lot of planes, in particular the F-35 fighter jet, which is like almost like an invisible fighter. I was asking the Air Force guys, I said, how good is this plane? They said, well, sir, you can't see it. I said but in a fight. You know, in a fight, like I watch on the movies. The fight, they're fighting. How good is this? They say, well, it wins every time because the enemy cannot see it. Even if it's right next to them, it can't see it. I said that helps. That's a good thing.

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Dangerous plonker, failed business man. Not a diplomat. What else can we tar him with? 


his take on the new fighter jets  and this in a speech 


Donald Trump

The Navy, I can tell you, we're ordering ships, with the Air Force I can tell you we're ordering a lot of planes, in particular the F-35 fighter jet, which is like almost like an invisible fighter. I was asking the Air Force guys, I said, how good is this plane? They said, well, sir, you can't see it. I said but in a fight. You know, in a fight, like I watch on the movies. The fight, they're fighting. How good is this? They say, well, it wins every time because the enemy cannot see it. Even if it's right next to them, it can't see it. I said that helps. That's a good thing.


Sprout posted:



told ya, there's loads more...he's crazy  make what you will of that, he lost me at I'll also 


Donald Trump

I'll also take questions. Should we leave the media here? To do the questions or should we tell the media? It's Thanksgiving. Let's let the media stay. Anybody have any questions about the country, how we're doing or any of those things? Wow. I love it when you don't. That means you're doing great. I love that. That's the greatest. The press I know doesn't have any questions. If you do, we won't take them but that's already. The press has plenty of questions.

Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

They’ve just chosen Kezia to clean the loos 


well she talked sh*te the whole 18 months she was leader so she should cope well 

 She reckons she’s gone from potential PM to cleaner ....not sure what universe she is living in 

Well, that's only in the Jungle......there are some in real life that should think the same way 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:



told ya, there's loads more...he's crazy  make what you will of that, he lost me at I'll also 


Donald Trump

I'll also take questions. Should we leave the media here? To do the questions or should we tell the media? It's Thanksgiving. Let's let the media stay. Anybody have any questions about the country, how we're doing or any of those things? Wow. I love it when you don't. That means you're doing great. I love that. That's the greatest. The press I know doesn't have any questions. If you do, we won't take them but that's already. The press has plenty of questions.

It's official anyway...he hates the press.....fake news an all that...he says he's teetotal 

Rocking Ros posted:
Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Dangerous plonker, failed business man. Not a diplomat. What else can we tar him with? 


sex pest, admitted he assaulted women on many occasions  

Flippin eck! How could I forget about that one! 

awful scary nutcase

And to think....he's in charge of the country.  I know the other one is no angel, but I think she's just biding her time and giving him enough rope.......


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