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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

TBH I don't think I'd buy anything that big on line 


On ebay you can do a car check, if you're interested in a car pay for the bloody check...  My cars been a cracker and I've not had one problem with it, but I did a check, viewed the car and met the guy 

I know my daughter does loads of buying and selling on eBay 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

How is Max now ?


still not well, he's still being sick 

Awww bless him How long has he had it ? Fingers crossed it is one of those 24 hour things 

he started Tuesday night, although he wasn't sick until yesterday  afternoon 

Oh heck ....gone on more than 24 hours then ....poor mite Perhaps a doc ???

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Oh heck ....gone on more than 24 hours then ....poor mite Perhaps a doc ???

she's going to phone if he gets no better tonight or take him in the morning if he's still not well, she's not phoned back so he can't be any worse or she would have phoned for me to go with her. 

Let's hope the others don't get it  Maybe he's eaten something that didn't agree ??


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