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Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:


the guy saying Muslim C's...please don't blame them all, you're encouraging more to be radicalised 

I agree ....but the bottom line is that all the terrorist  so far are Muslim ....which simply fuels that way of thinking 

But think of the good that the Muslim taxi drivers in Manchester and people like them and the good that they do 


Not all Muslims are bad 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

I agree ....but the bottom line is that all the terrorist  so far are Muslim ....which simply fuels that way of thinking 


oh I agree Baz, but it's a tiny minority of the 2 billion...and alienating the innocent ones doesn't help 

I agree  but I'm not sure I'd be that magnanimous if my family were caught up in it 

Sprout posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:


the guy saying Muslim C's...please don't blame them all, you're encouraging more to be radicalised 

I agree ....but the bottom line is that all the terrorist  so far are Muslim ....which simply fuels that way of thinking 

But think of the good that the Muslim taxi drivers in Manchester and people like them and the good that they do 


Not all Muslims are bad 

No one is saying they are Pam....

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

I agree  but I'm not sure I'd be that magnanimous if my family were caught up in it 



I'm not sure I would blame all Muslims Baz, I had plenty of Muslim friends when I lived in Manchester and I can tell you they were kind, thoughtful and politer than a lot of people I know, It's a crazy world 



That comes across as in always wrong......what I mean is that there are certain Muslims to blame.....most not 

Last edited by Former Member

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