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Good afternoon Cribsters   

Lots of washing dried. The weather has been quite nice 


Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *hope your day has been better than mine, see below, snogsssssssssssssss*    


Good news...

Finally got me gas fire reinstalled


Bad news...

It looks like we have a floor problem in the front room. So the carpet, which was going after the room was decorated, has to come up to see what the problem is 


However, tomorrow is another day 

Have a good day peeps  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


Evening Baz  


Not bad thanks, got better when Lynds phoned and said she didn't need me for the morning runs  How was your day and you get some plants?

Yayyy  My day was ok ...yes got the plants ( and a hanging basket ) and planted up the 5 smaller tubs the three big ones to do tomorrow  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Yayyy  My day was ok ...yes got the plants ( and a hanging basket ) and planted up the 5 smaller tubs the three big ones to do tomorrow  


Get Mr Baz to go outside to apply his cream 


I've been trying to post a bloody pic in Pirate's thread and my posts are going to admin 

 I wish ! What are you trying to post ?

Dame_Ann_Average posted:



Moonieeeeeeeeeeee *glad you got the gas fire fitted and what is wrong with your floor snogssssssssssssssssss*   


Can you not claim for your carpet from your Housing association? Hope you're well 

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *the floor appears to be cracked, can feel movement, snogsssssssssss*    


Tbh the carpet is well past it's use by date 

All is well with me fankooooo


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