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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

 I've never had it but know how debilitating it can be  


I thought everyone had it at some point...I used to get it loads in my early teens and very rarely now..if fact once in several years, Helen had it when I stayed last Saturday, she didn't know where to put herself. 

Some of the people on the programme have it very badly Mr B gets it if he has to cut down on his painkillers .

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Some of the people on the programme have it very badly Mr B gets it if he has to cut down on his painkillers .

it's horrible, whatever you do it won't go...I found the only way was to walk about and do stuff to eventually take your mind of it. 

 I * jig* every now and then....but more out of habit  And it's not painful ....

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Yes , some these peoples lives are dreadful ....but one of them does what you were talking about and just keeps busy constantly 


that was the only way I ever found relief, those poor people must be demented  

Yes ...and it effects their relationships too  One guy has had it for 50 years .......


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