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Dame_Ann_Average posted:


I had to fly out the house in pj's earlier....went to close the blinds and caught two boys about 12/13 throwing  leather football at the Lizabeth's next door full welt  I knocked on the window to try and stop them but they threw it and what a clatter, they ran away one runs aways from me caught in the act  I jumped in the car, pj's and a cardigan over the top and I found them  She's disabled, it will have scared her half to death, boy take what I gave the 


Dame_Ann_Average posted:


I had to fly out the house in pj's earlier....went to close the blinds and caught two boys about 12/13 throwing  leather football at the Lizabeth's next door full welt  I knocked on the window to try and stop them but they threw it and what a clatter, they ran away one runs aways from me caught in the act  I jumped in the car, pj's and a cardigan over the top and I found them  She's disabled, it will have scared her half to death, boy take what I gave the 

Go you!! 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


I had to fly out the house in pj's earlier....went to close the blinds and caught two boys about 12/13 throwing  leather football at the Lizabeth's next door full welt  I knocked on the window to try and stop them but they threw it and what a clatter, they ran away one runs aways from me caught in the act  I jumped in the car, pj's and a cardigan over the top and I found them  She's disabled, it will have scared her half to death, boy take what I gave the 

brilliant dammee  good for you

Rocking Ros Rose
Sprout posted:

Not on the same scale, but I've often been known to make my gob go when I'm trying to get off the Metro and people getting on won't let me 


I hate stuff like what happened tonight, it's  not like they were kids, they were old enough to know it was plain wrong. It could have been Ron next door who can hardly breath and his heart is in a terrible state...fecking stupid teeneagers with nowt better to do. 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Not on the same scale, but I've often been known to make my gob go when I'm trying to get off the Metro and people getting on won't let me 


I hate stuff like what happened tonight, it's  not like they were kids, they were old enough to know it was plain wrong. It could have been Ron next door who can hardly breath and his heart is in a terrible state...fecking stupid teeneagers with nowt better to do. 

I'm taking the opinion that it's parents who dunno where their kids are, or what they're doing and just don't plain care! 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Not on the same scale, but I've often been known to make my gob go when I'm trying to get off the Metro and people getting on won't let me 


I hate stuff like what happened tonight, it's  not like they were kids, they were old enough to know it was plain wrong. It could have been Ron next door who can hardly breath and his heart is in a terrible state...fecking stupid teeneagers with nowt better to do. 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Not on the same scale, but I've often been known to make my gob go when I'm trying to get off the Metro and people getting on won't let me 


I hate stuff like what happened tonight, it's  not like they were kids, they were old enough to know it was plain wrong. It could have been Ron next door who can hardly breath and his heart is in a terrible state...fecking stupid teeneagers with nowt better to do. 

Rocking Ros Rose
Sprout posted:

I'm taking the opinion that it's parents who dunno where their kids are, or what they're doing and just don't plain care! 

well, these were old enough to be out and to be fair it was still light, so I don't really blame the parents if their kids are up to pranks. I know if it was any of ours Lynds would banned them in, but I'm not saying the eldest hasn't done stupid stuff because he's been an idiot in the past, but suitably punished. 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

I'm taking the opinion that it's parents who dunno where their kids are, or what they're doing and just don't plain care! 

well, these were old enough to be out and to be fair it was still light, so I don't really blame the parents if their kids are up to pranks. I know if it was any of ours Lynds would banned them in, but I'm not saying the eldest hasn't done stupid stuff because he's been an idiot in the past, but suitably punished. 

Yes my son got up to all sorts ..and copped it big time when I found out ....but don't think he was ever cruel ...

Baz posted:
Sprout posted:

If I'd done stuff like that when I was their age I would've been hauled before my mam (when I was caught) and paid the consequences 

Same here 

I was once caught (at an early impressionable age) pulling my knickers down and having a wee in the back mam knew who the 'egger onner' was and things were soon sorted shall we say 


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