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Dame_Ann_Average posted:


what a fight Rexi and I have had with words messenger, I installed it again and it still wasn't working right,,,we were getting messages like 24 hours late  I don;t know what Rexi done, but she fixed it and said it was a bugger when she had to fix my problem from her end  she's a cheeky mare 

Oh , that's strange , cos it was playing up for me this morning too....I was typing and after two sentences nothing was showing up ....until I pressed send ..lhence the garbled messages 

Baz posted:

Oh , that's strange , cos it was playing up for me this morning too....I was typing and after two sentences nothing was showing up ....until I pressed send ..lhence the garbled messages 


this started last week Baz and it was only with either of us...I think she must have uninstalled and reinstalled it again...but apparently it was a fault at my end  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Oh , that's strange , cos it was playing up for me this morning too....I was typing and after two sentences nothing was showing up ....until I pressed send ..lhence the garbled messages 


this started last week Baz and it was only with either of us...I think she must have uninstalled and reinstalled it again...but apparently it was a fault at my end  

 Oh I see .

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


do you ever get pains at the back of your head off the probems with your neck Baz, I have a weird pain about an inch behind my left ear  I vaguely think I used to get it before, but maybe I am imagining it 

Oh yes fact that's exactly where I was getting it recently  ....and I defo wasn't imagining it 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Oh yes fact that's exactly where I was getting it recently  ....and I defo wasn't imagining it 


it's in a weird place, but I get that numb patch and then a sharp pain and I'm sure I've had it before...I deffo have had the numb patches in that area 

Yep  And mine gets sore to touch  too you say , I think it's probably something to do with our neck disc problem 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

 I'm taking some trousers back , cos they don't fit 


awww  on a brighter note, I got into a pair that was taking my last breath a couple of weeks ago and had them on all day with no discomfort...the lack of wine and carbs must be shifting something 

 Well done you  I'm not too bothered , cos at the moment I can't eat any if the healthy stuff so not much I can do about it 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Yep  And mine gets sore to touch  too you say , I think it's probably something to do with our neck disc problem 


yes, it's also slightly numb on my neck on the righthand side above my shoulder and around my jaw area...good grief it's spreading 

 ....maybe a nerve is trapped ? When did it start ? 

Baz posted:

 Well done you  I'm not too bothered , cos at the moment I can't eat any if the healthy stuff so not much I can do about it 


you have no options Baz, so it's don't give a damn time  I really wanted to detox and thought sod it, cut out the carbs too...must say nearly three weeks off the booze and you can't half tell a difference in your get up and go, it's got up and came back  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

 Well done you  I'm not too bothered , cos at the moment I can't eat any if the healthy stuff so not much I can do about it 


you have no options Baz, so it's don't give a damn time  I really wanted to detox and thought sod it, cut out the carbs too...must say nearly three weeks off the booze and you can't half tell a difference in your get up and go, it's got up and came back  

Rocking Ros posted:



I have a AGM on Tuesday and must go because I am voting for Dolly, Saturday I have a very late lunch/early dinner the time is still up in the air with 8 friends, but I may be in early so ....  Monday will have to be confirmed, Jan is back up from Hastings house hunting, so we're having dinner at Dolly's 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Rocking Ros posted:



I have a AGM on Tuesday and must go because I am voting for Dolly, Saturday I have a very late lunch/early dinner the time is still up in the air with 8 friends, but I may be in early so ....  Monday will have to be confirmed, Jan is back up from Hastings house hunting, so we're having dinner at Dolly's 

How dare you have a social life !! 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Rocking Ros posted:



I have a AGM on Tuesday and must go because I am voting for Dolly, Saturday I have a very late lunch/early dinner the time is still up in the air with 8 friends, but I may be in early so ....  Monday will have to be confirmed, Jan is back up from Hastings house hunting, so we're having dinner at Dolly's 

lovely dammeeee

Rocking Ros Rose

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