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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

 I'm enjoying the BBC 4 history fibs programme ....watching about William of Orange at moment ....


oh I meant to download that, I may do that later and then I have something to watch on nights like this 

 It's quite good ...Lucy Worsley ....starts with the Tudors ...then William and Mary ...the Victorian Empire ....and looks at the myths behind some of the perceived history 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


Well hello Moonie *snogssssssssssssssssssssssss*    


Hope you're well 


I know you use Linux Moonie and I know it's much improved from when I tried it on an old computer. I'm happy with Windows 7, but if I need a new tower I am going to struggle to get Windows 7 on it and then I would probably go to Linux, especially now they have incorporated google extensions  I hate the app based OS systems, if I wanted them I would use my tablet...the options are getting extremely smaller 


hope to see you soon 



Good evening Cribbles   

Hope your day has been a good one 

Mine hasn't been to bad 


It was cold here this morning. Then the sun came out for several hours and it was quiet pleasant. We are forecast to have colder weather later this week and getting wetter too 


Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *snogssssssssssssssss*    


Have a good evening peeps  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


Evening Baz  


Day was good thanks and no, nothing about his pain...sarcastic message about the amount of towels they use in the house due to how many showers they are having...I replied to 'stop breeding then'  he's not answered back  How was your day? 

Rofl  My day was ok thanks was quite nice , so popped into town ...and bought a new Tshirt from M & S  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Rofl  My day was ok thanks was quite nice , so popped into town ...and bought a new Tshirt from M & S  


T-shirt, it flipping perishing  Sorry I got waylaid replying, I was looking at a post in the TV thread that da Yogz agreed with me on 

 That's ok ...I was busy too  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

You say enough for bloody both of us, and miss a lot of posts anyway 


shut talk geordie twaddle.....hey, guess who got to work and had to turn around on the car park because she forgot that I had phoned her five minutes earlier to drop the remote off 

My Geordie twaddle is better than your Cumbrian singin, anyday    


Linds by any chance? 

Sprout posted:

My Geordie twaddle is better than your Cumbrian singin, anyday    


Linds by any chance? 


Pah and yes....I'd only bloody phoned her five minutes earlier. She could have phoned me off the car park and I would have walked the 25 yards to the hospital wall and she could have thrown it over...instead she drove round the 500 yards by road, we live in a cul de sac 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

My Geordie twaddle is better than your Cumbrian singin, anyday    


Linds by any chance? 


Pah and yes....I'd only bloody phoned her five minutes earlier. She could have phoned me off the car park and I would have walked the 25 yards to the hospital wall and she could have thrown it over...instead she drove round the 500 yards by road, we live in a cul de sac 


Baz posted:
Sprout posted:
Baz posted:
Sprout posted:
Baz posted:

 Hi Sprout  How was your day ? 

Oops! just seen this   busy to say the least 

 It's ok ....

The phone's never ear's red raw 

Awww ...but busy is good ....makes the time go faster  

You're right, but wen it's calls that we shouldn't be getting!   


I'm trying to work and getting calls at regular intervals through the day asking for the number, or for someone who works there (a different company that used to be part of us at one time.....a year ago).  One part is privatised.....the other isn't 


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