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Angela text us all to see if that date was ok this morning. I said not a prob and also mentioned that I'd only read the preview of the text and thought it was gonna be this weekend until I opened it up. I mentioned that I was going for a sofa....she came back're always bloody out!  I nearly replied, that's you   

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Oh, and I'm going out for my birthday dinner.....again......on Feb 19th 


who are you going with? 

Angela, and Joanne, that I know of....Oh, and Maisie saying s it's round about her birthday too 


Seriously though, I'm guessing Phil and June and Kev And Neil will be there also  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Yes , my DIL gets most of her stuff from there 


my daughter and Hoochie does, we haven't one local  at least Hoochie would take me to try sofa's out and then I could get it delivered if I ever fancied new ones 

No , we've not got one either ....nearest ones are either near Warrington ....just off M6 N ....or Birmingham 


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