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Sprout posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Haha! well I guess we up norf could all be Celts in some way 

I'm Irish, viking and a bit of eastern Europe and Iberian...  Dolly had our DNA done 

I'm Welsh and Irish .....can't get more Celtic than that 

I'd love to have mine done  

and me -I know  I have Irish and possibly Spanish

Rocking Ros Rose

Well done that poster 



And THIS is what he's like a couple days in. Of course, he started before the swearing-in, but still, it feels like it's been weeks already of his craziness.


The Good News is:


The one person on the planet who absolutely OWNS Trump any time he wants to is just on vacation for a while. In Palm Springs. Remember the WH Corresp. Dinner? When he used a scalpel on Trump, like a surgeon? Hysterical.

Barack will come back when he's good and ready and it'll probably be when DJT has spiraled downward and already lost some staff. Spicer, likely. 


He'll come back and I can't wait to see how he can needle Trump when he doesn't have the office of POTUS to hold him back. When he can start needling him, and then speak eloquently on an issue, then laugh at him, mock him, over and over. 


DJT is not going to enjoy it.

Sprout posted:

It's right what they say...he is like a spoilt schoolchild who can't get his own way 

Rocking Ros posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

wow  he is disintegrating already


was he ever stable, I think this was a massive ego trip for him and he's not got a clue. He's getting rid of what little health care they had, ignoring global warming and a few other things in his first four all sounds ever so familiar. 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

It's right what they say...he is like a spoilt schoolchild who can't get his own way 

Rocking Ros posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

wow  he is disintegrating already


was he ever stable, I think this was a massive ego trip for him and he's not got a clue. He's getting rid of what little health care they had, ignoring global warming and a few other things in his first four all sounds ever so familiar. 

no integrity what so ever -he is such a plonker

Rocking Ros Rose
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

It's right what they say...he is like a spoilt schoolchild who can't get his own way 

Rocking Ros posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

wow  he is disintegrating already


was he ever stable, I think this was a massive ego trip for him and he's not got a clue. He's getting rid of what little health care they had, ignoring global warming and a few other things in his first four all sounds ever so familiar. 

Got no ucking clue! 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


I agree with that Pam ^^^^ Obama said he was going to stay in the political spotlight, they need him and Bernie to keep piling on the pressure   

Yep!   Obama's still 'relatively young' and still could handle Trumpus, I think  

After all.......Barrack was born the same year as me  

Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:


I agree with that Pam ^^^^ Obama said he was going to stay in the political spotlight, they need him and Bernie to keep piling on the pressure   

Yep!   Obama's still 'relatively young' and still could handle Trumpus, I think  

After all.......Barrack was born the same year as me  

Rocking Ros Rose
Rocking Ros posted:
Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:


I agree with that Pam ^^^^ Obama said he was going to stay in the political spotlight, they need him and Bernie to keep piling on the pressure   

Yep!   Obama's still 'relatively young' and still could handle Trumpus, I think  

After all.......Barrack was born the same year as me  

1961 was  good year 


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