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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Moonie posted:

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *well akimbed, snogsssssssssssssssssssss*    


*I'll not be able to walk tomorrow snogssssssssssssssssssssss*   


Hope you're well and you're missed  

*passes crutches, snogsssssssssssssss*    

Not to feeling to bad fankoo Dameee and ta muchly 

I see you didn't have a hangover then? 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

That's something you and I DON'T have in common  


what? crafty stuff 


Really enjoyed it with Hoochie on Saturday, we had five hours in her workroom...and Mr Hoochie remembered to bake fresh scones...cream and jam, That was yummylicious and craft in any shape or form don't compute  


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