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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Glad to hear it Only if cueing up for ages to get a prescription, shopping and changing /washing/ironing bedding is resting Nah , I'm ok ....but will sleep well tonight  


I hope you do sleep Baz...yesterday must have been draining 

Yes , those places are never great ....especially at 1/2/3 in the morning But I did manage to make Mr B a hearing test today ....not until beginning of November, but hopefully it will help ! 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Yes , those places are never great ....especially at 1/2/3 in the morning But I did manage to make Mr B a hearing test today ....not until beginning of November, but hopefully it will help ! 


I agree, awful places when your waiting...but good when you're ill. Does Mr Baz have any fully working parts 

Not that I've noticed ...  How is your brother doing ? 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Yes , those places are never great ....especially at 1/2/3 in the morning But I did manage to make Mr B a hearing test today ....not until beginning of November, but hopefully it will help ! 


I agree, awful places when your waiting...but good when you're ill. Does Mr Baz have any fully working parts 

Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Yes , those places are never great ....especially at 1/2/3 in the morning But I did manage to make Mr B a hearing test today ....not until beginning of November, but hopefully it will help ! 


I agree, awful places when your waiting...but good when you're ill. Does Mr Baz have any fully working parts 

Hi Pam How are things with you ? Have you managed to get a docs appointment ?

Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Oh heck that the trouble maker ???

although with a pinned hip I'm hoping it will keep her arse on a chair 

Awww There was an old boy next to Mr B last night that was constantly trying to get out of bed last night.....but I managed to keep him there  

Bazzy!!! you amaze me.....not only looking after your hubby but sorting someone else out too  

Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Sprout posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Hi Pam How are things with you ? Have you managed to get a docs appointment ?

Next Thursday 5.15 with nurse practitioner 

But of a wait ....but better than nothing  

I know, I could've done with an earlier one to be honest but it boils down to work times  

Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Awww There was an old boy next to Mr B last night that was constantly trying to get out of bed last night.....but I managed to keep him there  


I'm there 5 days a week, these old buggers are hard to keep down  Old dear  called Margaret last week was like a bloody Jack-in-a-box....I sat her down umpteen times, ran and switched her cushion alarm off and in the end told her to keep her ar$e on the seat 

Sprout posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:

Oh heck that the trouble maker ???

although with a pinned hip I'm hoping it will keep her arse on a chair 

Awww There was an old boy next to Mr B last night that was constantly trying to get out of bed last night.....but I managed to keep him there  

Bazzy!!! you amaze me.....not only looking after your hubby but sorting someone else out too  

Well Mr B was asleep by this time ....and there was only one nurse and several of the patients seemed to have some form of dementia, so it's all hands to the pump  


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