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Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Bossa Nova Baz posted:



interwebby pah...we can do without it  *crumbles in a heap and cries hysterically* 

I'm not so sure about that   


I've told you...they can take my telly but leave my pooter, although these days it makes no odds, what with the licence fee and all that 

Yes, I'd rather my TV went than my wifi  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Ditto, although I'm wondering if it's something else from earlier 


eh? what did you do earlier...I had a salad with cucumber and thought I was having a heart attack...three burps later I recovered without resuscitation 

PMSL!!!!!  I'm impressed at your spelling of resuscitation too! 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

PMSL!!!!!  I'm impressed at your spelling of resuscitation too! 

after only two glasses I can spell owt, a bottle and it's guess work 

Oh that worries me now, a bottle and I think I could still keep it together   as I have on many occasions 

Am I not supposed to?  

Last edited by Former Member

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