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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Could still do with losing another half a stone ...but two pounds will take me out of the overweight range (BMI)  and into the normal range I'll take that  

I just want back in my size 12's and couldn't give a monkeys what the scales say  If you're comfortable Baz , that's enough 

I'm happy to be 14 ....unless it's M & S ....then I can do 12  

Sprout posted:

Calorie intake.....I can't describe it any other way than you have to feed yourself to boost your metabolism? 

yes, you need to stick to a constant intake, mine is 1200...doesn't matter about exercise and the older you get metabolism is out the window  try my fitness pal on the comp or phone, it works it out for you  

Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

But haven't you got to put it in to burn it 

eh? you have to stick to a certain amount Pam...sorry, you've lost me 

Calorie intake.....I can't describe it any other way than you have to feed yourself to boost your metabolism? 

sometimes if you plateau you can kick start your diet/metabolism again if you eat normally for a couple of days 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Calorie intake.....I can't describe it any other way than you have to feed yourself to boost your metabolism? 

yes, you need to stick to a constant intake, mine is 1200...doesn't matter about exercise and the older you get metabolism is out the window  try my fitness pal on the comp or phone, it works it out for you  

Baz posted:
Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

But haven't you got to put it in to burn it 

eh? you have to stick to a certain amount Pam...sorry, you've lost me 

Calorie intake.....I can't describe it any other way than you have to feed yourself to boost your metabolism? 

sometimes if you plateau you can kick start your diet/metabolism again if you eat normally for a couple of days 

Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

I was on swat alert yesterday...spider alert in the bedroom. Patience does wonders, I caught in with kitchen roll on the door frame 

That may have been a different one 

it was..I didn't recognise it and  when I caught it we didn't have time to get acquainted, the only words I spoke was amen  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

I was on swat alert yesterday...spider alert in the bedroom. Patience does wonders, I caught in with kitchen roll on the door frame 

That may have been a different one 

it was..I didn't recognise it and  when I caught it we didn't have time to get acquainted, the only words I spoke was amen  


Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

I was on swat alert yesterday...spider alert in the bedroom. Patience does wonders, I caught in with kitchen roll on the door frame 

That may have been a different one 

it was..I didn't recognise it and  when I caught it we didn't have time to get acquainted, the only words I spoke was amen  


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