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kimota posted:

Hi Dame  As I said to Baz, I have been a bit down, but better today. Today the only thing that annoyed me were the Blairites who seem intent on pulling the Labour party apart at the worst possible time. 



I wouldn't worry Kimota, JC intends going nowhere and he's a massive mandate and it will probably be higher if it goes to a vote...Blairites made the party unelectable and not JC 

Rosgirl posted:
kimota posted:
Baz posted:
kimota posted:

Evening all

Hi Kimota How was your weekend ?

 Good thanks Baz.  A bit down post-Brexit, but had some good laughs about it on FB today.  

How was yours?

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
kimota posted:

Evening all

evening Kimota, hope you're good  

Hi Dame  As I said to Baz, I have been a bit down, but better today. Today the only thing that annoyed me were the Blairites who seem intent on pulling the Labour party apart at the worst possible time. 

not just the blairites TBH -not looking good

Wales voted out anyway -even where I live

A Welsh friend of mine was very disappointed in his country. 

Baz posted:

Are you working tomorrow Kimota ?

Nothing booked, but I have two days booked for the end of the week.

Baz posted:
Rosgirl posted:

blimey another one gone from Corbyn's cabinet

What just now ? It was 10 last time I looked ...


it was always going to be half, I knew that early this morning...Hilarity Benn told lies, JC phoned him and sacked him...he implied he phoned JC to tell him he had no confidence in him...I'm like he never did 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:
Rosgirl posted:

blimey another one gone from Corbyn's cabinet

What just now ? It was 10 last time I looked ...


it was always going to be half, I knew that early this morning...Hilarity Benn told lies, JC phoned him and sacked him...he implied he phoned JC to tell him he had no confidence in him...I'm like he never did 

How do you know that ? 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

I've just counted again , I think it's 12  Plus Hilary Benn ?


I just want rid...I'm happy it's happening and every time one announced it I was like who?  

Hopefully we get a fresh new lot untainted by corporate money or neoliberal economic beliefs. That way if Corbyn does go before an election, we stand a chance of getting someone with similar views.

Dame_Ann_Average posted:

Evening Baz  


he can't find any faults on it anywhere, he even took all the wheels off...the engine was given a good look at and he said it's not got a fault and laughed and said that's because it's nearly new  The noise is still there though and now he thinks I'm stoopid  How was your day? 

Awww , Did you mention tappets ?  


My day was fine thanks .....saw my friend for lunch .....we both offloaded


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