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Dame_Ann_Average posted:


Moonieeeeeeeeeeeeee *if she cocks up this time she knows Nel will slam her with an appeal snogssssssssssssss*   


Pleased you're well me lovely   Not sure I'm hanging about, footie on, BB on and Bazza not well, it's gonna be quiet in da crib 

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *I think there will be some kind of compromise, jail but not the full whack, snogsssssssssssssss*    


That's understandable   

Have a great evening me lovely    


Good morning Cribbles

Wet and cool last night and early morning. We have just had a burst of sunshine but it has retreated again now  

Downpours promised for today and it's looking like number one is on the way 


Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *I hope you have a super day and sun shines on you, snogsssssssssssssss*


When do we expect the "final verdict" on OP (he says sceptically) ?

Have a super day everyone

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


Moonieeeeeeeeeeeee * been nice here today snogsssssssssssssssss*   

Hope you are enjoying all the footie and hope u iz well .... OP sentence is the 6th July  latersssssssssssss 

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *glad it's been nice there, we just had a thunderstorm with huge hailstones but it's stipped now, snogsssssssssssssss*    

I didn't watch the England game as I was in and out the house doing various things. Then, I didn't plant to anyway. Never watch England games tbh 


I hope OP gets the book, in fact the whole library, thrown at him but I have my doubts about the outcome 


Dame_Ann_Average posted:


Moonieeeeeeeeeeeeee *I knew you wouldn't watch the England match and neither did I snogssssssssssss*   


As for OP, we can only hope Tilly Masipa puts right what she got so wrong in the original trial  

*no rain here* 

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *England never seem to get it together at the final stage time, snogsssssssssssssss*    


Yep, he certainly deserves all get gets and some too 

Moonie posted:

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *England never seem to get it together at the final stage time, snogsssssssssssssss*    


Yep, he certainly deserves all get gets and some too 



Moonieeeeeeeeeeeeeee *dives ouch snogsssssssssssssssssss*   


I would have expected them to beat Wales and I always think I jinx them, or maybe it's just the way they play 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Moonie posted:

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *England never seem to get it together at the final stage time, snogsssssssssssssss*    


Yep, he certainly deserves all get gets and some too 



Moonieeeeeeeeeeeeeee *dives ouch snogsssssssssssssssssss*   


I would have expected them to beat Wales and I always think I jinx them, or maybe it's just the way they play 

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *props Dameee up on pillows, snogsssssssssssssss*    

I gave up England years ago 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Moonie posted:

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *props Dameee up on pillows, snogsssssssssssssss*    

I gave up England years ago 


*this is cosy*     


I used to like watching the World Cup in pubs with family and friends and then I would watch England...strangely enough we seemed to enjoy the pints better than the matches 

*very cosy*    


I can well understand that 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Moonie posted:


Never mind, tomorrow is another day 


I hope you've not had a stinker Moonie  

Nah, I am fine fankoo 

Just weather and lappy problems. Weather has been carp as you know, so no washing dried. Lappy decided to have OS problems so up to the lappy doctor. It's okay now so will pick it up tomorrow 

Baz posted:

Ok ...adverts How is your daughter Dame ?


relieved Baz and for the first time in months was going for a drink this afternoon to watch the match with Amy  I'm assuming her face is ok today, she's not been able to drink alcohol for months, the cold sets the pain off  she might be regretting it now, she'll have been off Tramadol for more than 24 hours. 


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