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Good afternoon Cribbles   


It been so hot here this morning I was nearly melting. What a mess that would have made 


It's now a touch cooler and looking like the promised thunderstorm could be coming 


Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *hope your day wiv da boyz goes well, snogsssssssssssssss*    


Have a super day peeps   


Good morning everyone   

Very humid over overnight here. Lack of sleep. Decided to get up at....6am 

No point in just laying there 

It's set to be 24 degrees here again today  <--me already 

So consequently I shall probably be doing naff all and enjoying it too 


Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *I hope you managed some sleep last night and you have a pleasant day, snogsssssssssssssss*    


Try to stay cool in this to damn hot weather everyone  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:


Moonieeeeeeeeeee *much fresher here today, but still lovely snogsssssssssssssss*   

I slept great Moonie, chilled all night and then had a great sleep, hope your day was good 

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *glad it's a little fresher for you, snogsssssssssssssss*   

Awwww, pleased you slept better 

My day has been okay fankoo. We has a thunderstorm earlier, which cleared the air a lot  


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