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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Exactly ! Much as I wanted out I wouldn't have done that least I was able to walk away with my head held high , so to speak  

me too Baz and I knew I was heading that way, so I did the best thing I could and walked away. I was really unhappy and I still I couldn't bring myself to cheat..although I found out later it wouldn't have mattered anyway, he obviousley didn't have my morals as me 


Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Is it this weekend you are seeing Hoochie ?


no, that's on hold for a couple of weeks...nothings wrong, just we need to plan something out first,  so, I am going to enjoy chillaxing, Dolly's not back until Monday night and doubt she'll be up for visitors for a couple of days  jet lag 


Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

Whoops Did you 'uck ? 

nah, I know she's ditzy...I did some eye rolling though  I heard it but didn't look until this morning, I knew it was a whatsapp message and if someone needed me urgently they would phone 

Yes , my phone goes into silent mode from 11pm - 8am ......except for calls /texts from kids .....

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Yes , my phone goes into silent mode from 11pm - 8am ......except for calls /texts from kids .....

all my alerts are ring tone stays on, but I know no one is going to call unless it's an emergency. I must look to see if I can switch the whatsapp off while Dolly is in Oz 

bit late for that now  


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