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Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Mine is ok ....not risking catching the last shard on the bedclothes , or anything else for that matter  

once it grown a little you can trim it off 

Yep ...been trying to do it but by bit ...trouble is it bleeds about messy !!

Get to the docs and ask to be referred to podiatry 

Rosgirl posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

I couldn't quote said I didn't have permission....then I couldn't post at all....then I got thrown out  

don't blame them  

Sprout posted:
Baz posted:

I couldn't quote said I didn't have permission....then I couldn't post at all....then I got thrown out  


It was Ros post about bins .....

 what the hell

It said I wasn't allowed to quote've not N I K E'd again , have you  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Rosgirl posted:

 we have to put ours in a separate box thing that rattles like hell when it is being emptied  but so does others -

bins  - green garden, black -household every other week are emptied by a different vehicle

quoted this to see what happens and yes Ros, I meant Happy Valley in the earlier post 

agree - rubbish I think - not keen on the character TBH

Rocking Ros Rose
Dame_Ann_Average posted:


Moonieeeeeeeeeeee *hope all is well snogssssssssssss*   


Weather is crap... hope you enjoyed the sport  

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *didn't get to watch much sport in the afternoon, went to get me lappy sorted, was away more than four hours, mostly waiting for buses, don't they realise people travel on Saturdays too, snogsssssssssssssss* phew!    

Lappy is okay now 


Hello other Cribsters    

Flippin feeezing here today again 

Sharp frost last night and another expected tonight too 

Never seen so many gritters go along our road, so often as the last few nights 


Have a super day me lovelies  

Dame_Ann_Average posted:

Moonieeeeeeeeeeeeeee *pleased your lappy is fixed, although I didn't know it was kaput snogsssssssssssssssss, but sorry about the about the long transport wait*   

Weather was lovely here today, albeit very nippy with a clear blue sky  

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *jumps but lands like a fluffy cloud, lappy kept going red and the files wouldn't open but got a new version of the old OS on now and it seems to be okay, snogsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss*

Gritter has been by already here

Moonie posted:

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *jumps but lands like a fluffy cloud, lappy kept going red and the files wouldn't open but got a new version of the old OS on now and it seems to be okay, snogsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss*

Gritter has been by already here

Moonieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *humphhhhh, nice landing gaspssssssssss and snogssssssssssssssss*   

Pleased it's sorted Moonie and running fine, what's a gritter (we only have horses, carts and tractors oop here) 


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