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Sprout posted:

I don't really care who wins   bit of a luvvy fest if you ask me 

I like it to be honest if there are films that interest me...this year there are none. I suppose Carol, just because it's lesbian and I want something different to be voted for, not that I'll watch it, just to piss the academy off ...I don't like Cate Blanchett either 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:

Moonieeeeeeeeeeeeee * I went by car, I had to pick Max up to go with me snogssssssssssss*   


I didn't swan dive over the car park or anyfink , hope your day was good 

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *glad you and Max got back safely, snogsssssssssssssss*     


Pleased you managed to avoid the swan dive  

My day was so-so 


Goodnight Cribsters, sleep well, sweet dreams    

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Throwing it down here at moment ! So , did doc say it's was tummy ? 

He didn't say what it was...he wants to rule things out and not be chasing tails. I wasn't brimming with confidence when I left  he is lovely though 

Awww Well it is sensible to try the * easy * options first .....but if it is still playing up in a couple of weeks I would defo go back !!!

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Awww Well it is sensible to try the * easy * options first .....but if it is still playing up in a couple of weeks I would defo go back !!!

he said to finish the months course first Baz and then more tests if it doesn't solve it  it's going to be flipping worse now I'm worrying 

Awww Well hopefully the meds will settle it down  


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