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Evening Baz   

It's calmed a bit....damage to some roads and flooding, but I think so far the houses here at least are ok  Environment agency bloke had been to Cockermouth to shut the flood gates, called here for his lunch and noticed ours open  by chance he was here, computer hadn't alerted him  to close them  Thank goodness he called into town and noticed them open 


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Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:

Dame Is the worst over now ?

Hope so Baz....but flood alerts still on and one for Friday I think 

I just looked at your met office forecast and looks pretty much  like rain all week But not heavy ....

Shocking the weather we are getting everywhere of late but especially up there 

Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Moonie posted:

Fat lot of good having a system if it don't work Dameee  

they paid the dock keeper off Moonie...a computer supposed to do it now  

Well, as we all know, computers are vulnerable 

especially if Sprout gets hold of them  

She is the the Destroyer of Worlds and all things computer  

Moonie posted:
Baz posted:
Moonie posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Moonie posted:

Fat lot of good having a system if it don't work Dameee  

they paid the dock keeper off Moonie...a computer supposed to do it now  

Well, as we all know, computers are vulnerable 

especially if Sprout gets hold of them  

She is the the Destroyer of Worlds and all things computer  


Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Moonie posted:

Dameeeeeeeeeeeeeee *agrees the joke was carp, sorry your weather is carp too, snogsssssssssssss*   


My day was fine fankoo. Enjoy your coffee 

oopssssssssssss I missed this *snogssssssssssssssssss* coz I can only see two posts at a time    

Aww never mind, you have seen it now *snogsssssssssssssss*   


you know when I said I wouldn't tackle that postmistress coz she's scary...well 


During the robbery, the armed man struggled with a 78-year-old woman as he tried to rob the post office.

Staff were left terrified after being threatened by the man who made off with an undisclosed amount of money.

DI St Quintin said: “Although no-one was hurt, the three members of staff in the post office at the time were understandably left very upset by the incident.

"The suspect struggled with a 78-year-old lady who has worked in that post office for years."

High Street was closed for four hours while officers carried out inquiries.

Dame_Ann_Average posted:

you know when I said I wouldn't tackle that postmistress coz she's scary...well 


During the robbery, the armed man struggled with a 78-year-old woman as he tried to rob the post office.

Staff were left terrified after being threatened by the man who made off with an undisclosed amount of money.

DI St Quintin said: “Although no-one was hurt, the three members of staff in the post office at the time were understandably left very upset by the incident.

"The suspect struggled with a 78-year-old lady who has worked in that post office for years."

High Street was closed for four hours while officers carried out inquiries.



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