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Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

I have to scroll but that's what I've always done so it doesn't bother me 

that's what we are talking about, you could see about five previous posts, now you can only see when it's fast moving you miss posts and it's not forum friendly. Too much wasted space , avi above the post, reply box, two space paragraphs... it's not the bigger text that's the problem, it's the flipping layout. 

Now I know why you all don't scroll back! 

Ducky posted:

Ah I see. Yeah, I've always had to scroll too as far as I can remember. I do think the quoting takes up a bit more room than it used to though, so that's probably creating an extra scroll here and there.  

we always had to scroll Ducky, but we could see twice as many posts at least even with quoting...the avi used to be at the side, dunno who's bright idea it was to put it above. Plus, we have two spaces when it's a new paragraph...all wasted space in my opinion. I truly hate it and wasn't going to renew my VIP, didn't realise it was on's now changed 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Ducky posted:

Ah I see. Yeah, I've always had to scroll too as far as I can remember. I do think the quoting takes up a bit more room than it used to though, so that's probably creating an extra scroll here and there.  

we always had to scroll Ducky, but we could see twice as many posts at least even with quoting...the avi used to be at the side, dunno who's bright idea it was to put it above. Plus, we have two spaces when it's a new paragraph...all wasted space in my opinion. I truly hate it and wasn't going to renew my VIP, didn't realise it was on's now changed 

Yeah, I'll admit the new paragraph thing doesn't enamour me either.  Microsoft Word has done that too. I don't like it 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Ducky posted:

Ah I see. Yeah, I've always had to scroll too as far as I can remember. I do think the quoting takes up a bit more room than it used to though, so that's probably creating an extra scroll here and there.  

we always had to scroll Ducky, but we could see twice as many posts at least even with quoting...the avi used to be at the side, dunno who's bright idea it was to put it above. Plus, we have two spaces when it's a new paragraph...all wasted space in my opinion. I truly hate it and wasn't going to renew my VIP, didn't realise it was on's now changed 

Yeah, it's definitely clunkier This is the first time I've really used it in a thread that's moving at a bit of a pace, and you're right, it is awkward  

Baz posted:
Ducky posted:
Sprout posted:
Ducky posted:

Go for it Baz! I'm gonna join you with a pot of Pringles  

Livin on the edge? 

Pringles, Bailey's and a jigsaw puzzle. I'm hardcore, me!  

You and me both ....gin, chocolates , Only Fools and Horses , and Mr B snoring ......we know how to live  

so do we - lager crisps and  a muted TV until jools

Rocking Ros Rose

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