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Rosgirl posted:
Sprout posted:
Rosgirl posted:

h sprooty and bazzy just watched Hinterland - its quite good 

That's a series isn't it?  I wish I could get into stuff like that. I used to be able to but not any more. 

yes - it was episode 2 -set in Aberystwyth -  some welsh with subtitles but not much

It's you lot!   I can't multitask while I'm on here at night at times and never can seem to find the time to watch later 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

I've just deleted a load of stuff and watched a bit too. My drive is not so big as it was  

I think mines 500 gig and it stays the same if I leave 

Is that the Sky ????

but some of the boxes are 1T...I'm not quite sure if the is 500 or 1T 

Oh , where do I look to find out ? 

Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

I've just deleted a load of stuff and watched a bit too. My drive is not so big as it was  

I think mines 500 gig and it stays the same if I leave 

Mine's only 250 gig. but I don't need a lot really 

I have one 500 and one 1T, but not sure which is which...they are doing 2 T now 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

I've just deleted a load of stuff and watched a bit too. My drive is not so big as it was  

I think mines 500 gig and it stays the same if I leave 

Is that the Sky ????

but some of the boxes are 1T...I'm not quite sure if the is 500 or 1T 

Who has the time to watch 1 terrabyte of stuff By the time you get round to stuff it'll be out on DVD 

Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Baz posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

I've just deleted a load of stuff and watched a bit too. My drive is not so big as it was  

I think mines 500 gig and it stays the same if I leave 

Is that the Sky ????

but some of the boxes are 1T...I'm not quite sure if the is 500 or 1T 

Who has the time to watch 1 terrabyte of stuff By the time you get round to stuff it'll be out on DVD 


Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Sprout posted:

Who has the time to watch 1 terrabyte of stuff By the time you get round to stuff it'll be out on DVD 

I can download full series and keep them, so you can fill them up Pam 

How do you mean, keep them  surely that takes up space on your drive? 

Last edited by Former Member

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