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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:

That's good Nice weather again  


I'm ok , except I've got the sniffles , and everything arrived ok except my slippers  




weather was naff here Baz...rained on and off all day 

oh , it was a lovely day here .....went to town in just a jumper and jeans 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Whoops Yes ....imagine the stench !! And all the dogs eat different things !! Ridiculous ! 


I can't imagine it...I won't even have one 

I loved my cats and the kids always had animals ...but one at a time Now they have a guy with everything from parrots to raccoons and ducks the house !!!! Costs him a grand a month !!

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Apparently she can't have more cos council only allows 41 !!! How can they possibly think that's normal !! 



why is a council allowing more than a couple in the first place ...and surely they are not getting the treatment they need if she can't afford to buy a home 

She is married .....and breeds from some of them , but I agree fact I didn't think the council allowed more than a couple ! Maybe she bought her council house ...she spends ÂĢ30,000 per annum ! We get about half of that to live on !! 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:

I loved my cats and the kids always had animals ...but one at a time Now they have a guy with everything from parrots to raccoons and ducks the house !!!! Costs him a grand a month !!



I just don't do animal hairs... and a racoon is not a pet 

I don't do animal smells ....or fleas !! My cats used to be defleaed and wormed within an inch of theirs lives

Last edited by Baz
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:

She is married .....and breeds from some of them , but I agree fact I didn't think the council allowed more than a couple ! Maybe she bought her council house ...she spends ÂĢ30,000 per annum ! We get about half of that to live on !! 

flipping heck...she's off her rocker 

Totally IMO ! 

Originally Posted by Baz:

Mind you , you better watch out ....apparently(according to this )  most animal obbssessiges are older women living alone  


well, they certainly have me marked down wrong  I've been roped in to watching Leeanne's partners dog for two days in January,,,they are going to a wedding, good job it doesn't cast  I'm still not too happy 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Mind you , you better watch out ....apparently(according to this )  most animal obbssessiges are older women living alone  


well, they certainly have me marked down wrong  I've been roped in to watching Leeanne's partners dog for two days in January,,,they are going to a wedding, good job it doesn't cast  I'm still not too happy 

Oh heck What sort ? 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:



What are you up to tomorrow ?



Boys, then taking them to see my brother...and Dolly's tomorrow night I think, all depending what time she gets back .. if not it will be Sunday  What you up too? 



Well I have to take something back to town , then nit a lot I hope , as we are visiting Sunday  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:


Well I have to take something back to town , then nit a lot I hope , as we are visiting Sunday  


hope it all goes straightforward this week for you 

So do I ..... But I might still stay in car if this cough keeps up !! 

 have you had anti-biotics?

Rocking Ros Rose

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