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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:

In your dreams !! 



poor Ros 

Wha?  What's happened? 



Baz is gonna knock her block off 

When did I say that  


when I said Ros will help sort you lot out...then you became menacing   

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:

In your dreams !! 



poor Ros 

Wha?  What's happened? 



Baz is gonna knock her block off 

When did I say that  


when I said Ros will help sort you lot out...then you became menacing   

PMSL For one thing I'd never catch her ....she's like lightening  

Originally Posted by Sprout:

I got a paper cut on my thumb today. There was like......rivers of blood 



if it had been me there would have been reams of effs...coz they don't have twang 


*remind me, I got a call about a computer virus yesterday...this was after about 6 call whilst I was trying to watch the trial. needless to say when the guy phoned and I was embarrassed at the amount of profanities I used before I slammed the phone down  next this the guy phoned back asking why I had slammed the phone I politely asked 'is my accent that bad that you don't understand what **** off means*  

Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

I got a paper cut on my thumb today. There was like......rivers of blood 



if it had been me there would have been reams of effs...coz they don't have twang 


*remind me, I got a call about a computer virus yesterday...this was after about 6 call whilst I was trying to watch the trial. needless to say the guy phoned and I was embarrassed at the amount of profanities I used before I slammed the phone down  next this the guy phoned back asking why I had slammed the phone I politely asked 'is my accent that bad that you don't understand what **** off means*  


Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Sprout:

I got a paper cut on my thumb today. There was like......rivers of blood 



if it had been me there would have been reams of effs...coz they don't have twang 


*remind me, I got a call about a computer virus yesterday...this was after about 6 call whilst I was trying to watch the trial. needless to say when the guy phoned and I was embarrassed at the amount of profanities I used before I slammed the phone down  next this the guy phoned back asking why I had slammed the phone I politely asked 'is my accent that bad that you don't understand what **** off means*  


Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:

So, is M'Lady going to throw the key away , do you think ? 



No...but I see a glimmer, just a tiny one of something custodial  think Nel went in high knowing she's going to come down some...but in my opinion they should throw away the key 

I agree ..I'm just hoping that she is aware of the backlash and acts accordingly ! 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Baz:

So, is M'Lady going to throw the key away , do you think ? 

Nah, by what I've read and heard he'll get off with a slapped wrist   


I'm not so sure now Pam and if he doesn't I'm thinking an appeal will be quick to follow 

I did hear something about his barrister saying not to jail him...he's suffered enough  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Baz:

So, is M'Lady going to throw the key away , do you think ? 



No...but I see a glimmer, just a tiny one of something custodial  think Nel went in high knowing she's going to come down some...but in my opinion they should throw away the key 

I agree ..I'm just hoping that she is aware of the backlash and acts accordingly ! 



Im sure she is Baz...she doesn't normally read any press coverage, but I think people will have had a quiet word. She actually made a new law in her ruling, that's why Gerrie Nel was irritated to say the least ,,,I love him, there was some real emotion in his voice today, I wasn't sure if he was going to hold it together 


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